Happy Thanksgiving, Falling in Love and an Easy Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe


posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends. It’s coming up quickly and I am posting links to my favorite vegan Thanksgiving recipes below. Life has been a bit of a whirlwind lately. I’ve gone and fallen in love, and so my world has been flipped around. 

Sometimes I wonder if I manifested a HUGE transition, much bigger than expected, with all my talk about life changes. But it’s all wonderful, so all good. I plan to be back posting a little more regularly soon. .. and I’ll tell you more about all this in an upcoming post soon too.

Always be Thankful!

I have lots to be thankful for.  What are you thankful for? We know that giving thanks creates abundance and expansion, so appreciate all the wonderful people and abundance around you. I know you are surrounded by it too. We all are.

Last year I posted my Favorite Raw and Vegan Dishes. Make sure to check out that link for some great ideas. Also I have a list with all my recipes for easy access to more healthy meal ideas.

I wish you and yours a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving!!

Salad Inspiration!

I always make at least one big amazing salad, and ideally more. Encourage people to eat salads by making them beautiful and then everyone will feel so much better, energized and filled with life as well as satiated and full!

Happy Thanksgiving - Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe - Festive Salads - Salad  Lotus heart

Happy Thanksgiving - Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe - Festive Salads - Salad  Lotus heart 3

Happy Thanksgiving - Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe - Festive Salads

Happy Thanksgiving - Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe - Festive Salads - Salad  Lotus heart 7

Some of my Favorite Dressings:

Zesty Lemon House Dressing

Poppyseed Dressing

Balsamic Vinaigrette

Caesar Salad Dressing

Ginger Date Salad Dressing

There ares also some other wonderful dressings from the list of recipes linked above, such as Tahini Miso dressing, Coconut Lime dressing and Sesame Ginger dressing, etc.

Below I’m posting a recipe for one that is my new favorite and it is super easy to make too!

Happy Thanksgiving - Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe - Festive Salads


Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe


¼ cup Olive oil
3 Tbsp Lemon juice
1 Tbsp Agave
8 Basil leaves
1 to 2 Garlic cloves
dash of Salt and Pepper


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

So easy! and I have a variation that I love. It’s made by simply adding a bit of mayo. My special healthy vegan hemp oil mayo recipe that is. I love this recipe and usually make it with hemp oil but it can be made just as easily with olive or avocado oil also.

Here’s how to make the thicker creamy version:

Creamy basil garlic dressing recipe

Creamy Basil Garlic Dressing

Add 2 Tbsp Hemp Oil Mayonnaise to the above recipe and blend until creamy and smooth.

That’s it.

It’s so easy and so much healthier to make your own dressings at home.

Join us at the Pumpkin Patch!

Before I go I want to share our little stop off on the way home at Cheer Farms. Come join Mom & I in the pumpkin patch.

Cheer Farm Happy Thanksgiving - Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe - Festive Salads

Harvest time!

Snow apples Happy Thanksgiving - Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe - Festive Salads

There are so many types of apples. Have you ever tried snow apples? They are pure white, tart, crisp and delicious.

Cheer Farms Happy Thanksgiving - Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe - Festive Salads


Mom & I Happy Thanksgiving - Basil Garlic Dressing Recipe - Festive Salads

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from me, Mom and our growing family here!

To your glowing health,

Robin Gregory signature



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