Pics from the Lotus Heart Center #4

I’ve left my camera in Toronto, so I’m getting used to taking photos with my ipad, which probably is better anyway, but another adjustment. So I have to keep reminding myself to take them. I’m still catching up sharing photos with you anyway of what’s been going on here in the kitchen.
In this post there are lots of favorite recipes and some that I have already posted. I will share the links of them so you can see the recipes if you like for those.
I was surprised how many people here haven’t made or tried spaghetti squash. It’s such an awesome vegetable, espacially because after you roast it, when you spoon it with a fork you get all these spaghetti-like strings naturally. I may post this recipe. It’s quite delicious with sauteed onion, garlic, tomato and seasonings.
Celriac Leek and Kale Soup. This one always goes over well and it especially did this time. I added extra garlic, ginger and cayenne to it as a few people were coming down with a cold/flu virus. It got named the Healing Soup.
Creamy Butternut Squash Soup – another all time favorite that everyone always loves, and it is so easy to make too.
Prepping Gado Gado for Indonesian night.
Finished Gado Gado – which basically means salad in Indonesian. It is characterized by it’s dressing, called Sambal Kekang, a delicious spicy peanut sauce that goes with it.
Massive stir fry!!
Grinding almonds for a Neptune Salad. This is like a mock tuna, which we used as a base for wraps. I expected to use a food processor, but grinding them in the juicer gives it the best texture, so was really happy to find one in the kitchen!
These are 2 variations of the Neptune Salad. The lighter one on the left has the almond base and the link goes to this recipe. The other one on the right was a variation we made up and has chickpeas, as well as carrots, tomatoes and more.
Making Pecan Pies.
The finished Pecan Pies. They are so decadently sweet and delicious!
Mmm! Brownies!! ..with very few ingredients, mainly walnuts, dates and cacao. Raw, of course.
Wilted greens, just starting to steam them. The recipe link is to a raw version of these.
Our evening table. Tonight we have a soup, Quinoa and Chickpeas with Roasted Fennel and Zucchini, Pureed Root Vegetables and Wilted Greens.
Prepping the lemon to make Luscious Lemon Squares.
Me spreading the middle lemon cream layer.
The finished plate of Luscious Lemon Squares ready to serve.
That’s it for now.. time to head back to the kitchen. Next time I will share some of the new recipes that we put together. I’ve created a few really good new ones!! Back soon!