5 Ways to Make Your Resolutions Stick!

Be successful and make your resolutions stick this year. It’s a known fact that most New Years resolutions fall to the wayside by Valentines day. But with these few easy tips you can stick to your resolutions and more easily change your lifestyle habits.
5 Ways to Make Your Resolutions Stick!
For Big results, Think Small!
Make sure your resolution is something that you know is doable for you.
If you want to achieve a big goal, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps.
Make your goal Specific, and Measurable.
General goals, like I will eat better, are less likely to stick than saying I will eat fully raw for breakfast and lunch every day or I will drink a large green smoothie every day.
If you are going raw, decide right now whether you will go 100%, 80% or 50% raw.
If you want to meditate more, decide if you will meditate daily, a few times a week, and how long for each session.
If you are going to start working out, decide right now how many days a week you will work out.
Have a specific plan of action ready.
Start now!
Pick a date, but start moving towards that goal right now, before your start date.
If your goal is to eat more raw, start right now adding more raw into your meals.
If your goal is to start meditating, start now and add 10 minutes of meditation a day or a few times a week.
If your goal is to workout more consistently, start right now working out. It will feel good to start getting into it and help you make it a lifestyle habit once your date comes.
Starting now will show yourself that you are committed and will make it easier to achieve your goal fully when the time comes.
Make it a Habit
Although studies have shown that the 21 day time frame to create a habit is not always accurate, it is known that the more time you spend doing something the more chance there is that it will become a habit. So, promise yourself that you will keep with your goal for at least 21 days or better yet, a couple months.
The longer you can stick with it, the better it is to really make your lifestyle goal a part of your daily life.
Make it Part of your Lifestyle
Set your world up so that your resolution fits into it. Program it into your lifestyle.
To lose weight: get the junk food out of the house and don’t drive by donut shops or drive thru’s. Thin people have a lifestyle that supports that. Overweight people have a lifestyle that supports that. Set your day to day life up so that it supports your goals.
Schedule in time for making healthy food, for exercising, or fitting in time to achieve your new lifestyle goals.
Think ahead and set yourself up for success.
Recap – 5 Ways to make your Resolutions Stick
1. For big results, think small.
2. Make your goal specific, and measurable.
3. Start Now.
4. Make it a Habit.
5. Make it Part of your Lifestyle.
Do you have any tips you think are good to add to the list?
What are your resolutions?
Tell me, tell anyone to be more accountable! (Tip #6) Telling others may also inspire them to join you!
Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!!