5 Day Green Cleanse Menu Plan Overview

The 5 Day Green Cleanse is chlorophyll based and made up primarily of green juices, smoothies and soups. These juiced and blended greens allow the body to access their nutrients almost immediately and are much easier to digest than when they are in their leaf form and therefore much easier on the digestive system allowing the body to focus on its next most important job, detoxing
and eliminating waste. Our goal is to have your body eliminating the toxins that have been built up in your body, in the most healthful way and as efficiently and quickly as possible, releasing fat cells and harmful built up waste and debris.
The other items included in this cleanse are raw plant foods, consisting of mainly salads and including fruit and seeds, such as flax crackers and chia seeds. These are some of the most healing and nutritious of foods. Flax and especially chia seeds have a special quality which makes them swell up and make you feel full, so that you feel satiated while on this cleanse.
Five Day Green Cleanse Menu Plan
Day 1
Breakfast – Berry Green Smoothie with Chia seeds and Goji Berries
Morning Snack – Heart Beet Juice with Multi Seed Crackers and Almond Cheese
Lunch – Big Bowl Salad with House Dressing, Avocado, Walnuts and Seeds
Afternoon Snack – Tropical Green Smoothie with Hemp seeds and Chlorella and Kale Chips
Dinner – All Green Juice and Zucchetti with Basil Spinach Pesto and Nutmeat Patty
Evening Snack or Dessert – Banana with Chia seeds and Cinnamon
Day 2
Breakfast – Green Love Juice and Granola with Almond Milk
Morning Snack – Berry Green Smoothie with Goji Berries and Flax seed
Lunch – Green Lemonade with Strawberry Pecan Salad and Poppyseed Dressing
Afternoon Snack – Tropical Green Smoothie with Hemp seeds and Maca and Apple slices with Cinnamon Almond Butter
Dinner – Green Soup with Multi Seed Crackers and Almond Cheese
Evening Snack or Dessert – Chocolate Chia Pudding
Day 3
Breakfast – Berry Green Smoothie with Hemp seeds and Camu camu
Morning Snack – All Green Juice and Kale Chips
Lunch – Immunity Green Juice and Big Bowl Salad with Crackers and Almond Cheese
Afternoon Snack – Banana with Chia seeds and Cinnamon
Dinner – Green Soup and Thai Marinated Broccoli
Evening Snack or Dessert – Chia Pudding
Day 4
Breakfast – Green Lemonade and Granola with Almond Milk
Morning Snack – Berry Green Smoothie with Chia and Cacao
Lunch – Thai Green Juice and Thai Marinated Broccoli with Crackers and Almond Cheese
Afternoon Snack – Tropical Green Smoothie with Hemp seeds and Maca and Kale Chips
Dinner – Big Bowl Salad with Avocado and Nutmeat Patty
Evening Snack or Dessert – Banana with Chia seeds and Cinnamon
Day 5
Breakfast – Berry Green Smoothie with Chia and Goji Berries
Morning Snack – Heart Beet Juice and Kale Chips
Lunch – Tropical Green Smoothie with Hemp seeds and Chlorella and Big Bowl Salad with Avocado
Afternoon Snack – Granola and Almond Milk or All Green Juice and slices of Avocado, Cucumber and Tomato
Dinner – All Green Juice and Zucchetti with Basil Spinach Pesto and Multi Seed Crackers
Evening Snack or Dessert – Chocolate Chia Pudding
Read More
Why a Green Cleanse?
About the Green Cleanses and Tips
Planning a Cleanse and what is a Healing Crisis
Before Your Cleanse
After Your Cleanse
Day by Day Guides to get the most out of your Cleanse:
Day 1 of the 5 Day Green Cleanse
Day 2 of the 5 Day Green Cleanse
Day 3 of the 5 Day Green Cleanse
Day 4 of the 5 Day Green Cleanse
Day 5 of the 5 Day Green Cleanse