5 Day Green Cleanse Detox Plan – Day 5

Congratulations! This is day 5 and your last day of the green cleanse. What a fantastic thing you are doing for yourself! Doing and occasional green cleanse will make you feel more energetic and vibrant. Your body will have loosened up and shed all kinds of debris and waste that was stored and built up. You will have helped it to heal, throughout, on many levels and in many ways. You can not heal one thing and leave the others. When the body heals it does so all through the body. When you clean the blood and tissues, which you will do with a green cleanse, all of the systems of the body will perform better. You will feel happier, more relaxed and comfortable in your body, flexible, your senses will be clearer and stronger and you will even think better, be more focused and with a better memory. Everything from your hair, skin and physical appearance to your health and emotions will benefit by eating better and doing an occasional green cleanse to detox the body naturally and healthfully.
How are you feeling? Listen to your body carefully and make sure to adapt this plan to suit you. If you are feeling uncomfortable, light-headed or nauseous you can begin to incorporate more of the healthy foods you are used to. At any time to start coming off the cleanse you can substitute one or two of the meals or snacks for a lightly steamed or cooked vegetable dish. However, do not incorporate wheat or any animal products right away. Always take it slowly coming off a cleanse.
Feeling great? Clear and energized? Then let’s take on this last day strong. Use this cleanse to its greatest advantage by incorporating some of the activities and healing therapies suggested.
5 Day Green Cleanse Detox – Day to Day Plan
Day 5
Good Morning!
Water and Lemon Water
Make and have your hot lemon water now and afterwards measure out 2 liters of water, your minimum amount to consume during the day of fresh clear water, and drink a big glass now.
Do a great 5 to 10 minute stretch. Know that all the chlorophyll you have been pumping into your body for the past 4 days is doing its work to purify and clean you blood and all the systems of your body. Feel your new clean blood supply coursing smoothly and flowing to each part of your body. Be aware of the aliveness of every part of you, from your ears and your brain to your fingers, arms, legs, ankles, toes. Imagine this renewed blood going through your veins, through your heart and to all of your body systems, powerfully energizing, healing and enriching each one of them.
Get Grounded
Sit in the sun and treasure this moment of being fully alive. Stand barefoot on the earth and connect with your source. Feel how alive you really are. It’s a powerful feeling.
Berry Green Smoothie with Chia and Goji Berries
Enjoy a morning walk!
Morning Snack
Heart Beet Juice and Kale Chips
Water Therapy
Get the most out of one of the most efficient and therapeutic parts of your home. Do some water therapy in your own bathroom. Choose your favorite for your last day, or combine a few: hot/cold shower, aromatherapy bath, mineral bath, mud bath or a sauna if you have access to a steam room. Make sure to begin by doing a full dry skin brushing session, brushing every part of your body, excluding the most sensitive areas, but fully brushing and brushing well all the others. Then enjoy your water therapy of choice. The hot/cold shower combines very beneficially with all of the others and is one of my favorite treatments.
Put on your favorite comfortable loose fitting clothing afterwards. Ideally it is light or bright colored to boost your spirits and energy.
Remember to keep drinking lots of water.
Tropical Green Smoothie with Hemp seeds and Chlorella and a Big Bowl Salad with Avocado
Have a cup of green tea afterwards.
Take some healthy You time
Enjoy a peaceful relaxed activity. Enjoy a good book. Research something interesting and healthy. Think of what healthy lifestyle habit you would like to incorporate into your life on a regular basis after this cleanse. Think of an interesting project to take up with all the new-found energy you will have from doing this. And remember that this time you take out for you makes you a better person for everyone around you. By benefiting yourself, you benefit the people you love around you. Do something special for you!

Afternoon Snack
Enjoy a bowl of Granola and Almond Milk, or a big All Green Juice
The cereal is grounding and will help you transition out of the cleanse more easily. However, if you want to get as much out of this as possible, instead of the granola, make a massive green juice right now. Make 1 liter of All Green Juice. Pour half into a 500 ml mason jar, fill the jar right up to the top so there is no air to oxidize the juice, and set it in the fridge so your dinner juice is ready and drink the other half now.
If you are hungry have some avocado, cucumber and tomato slices. Sprinkle with a little Mexican or Cajun seasoning if you like. Avocado has healthy fats which will fill you up and the good fats are well known to aid in eliminating the unhealthy fats from cells, so eat up and enjoy!
Get into Nature!
How about a walk? An afternoon trip into nature would be wonderful. Pack a light blanket to lay out on in the sun and bring a container of water or hot lemon water. Or make a trip to a flower stall and buy yourself a big bunch of flowers. As always pay attention to your breathing and inner workings, your thoughts and feelings.

All Green Juice and Zucchetti with Basil Spinach Pesto and Flax Crackers.
Enjoy your juice put away in the fridge or make yourself a big glass now. If you are making it now, make it extra big and extra green for your last green juice of this cleanse! And savor it. It is doing magical things restoring, healing and cleansing you inside.
Intentional Relaxation
Lying on your mat in a comfortable space listen to a guided relaxation audio and let your body get into a state of deep relaxation. Take it easy and really relax for your final evening of this cleanse.
Evening Snack or Dessert
Aromatherapy or Epsom Salt Bath
Run an Epsom salt bath. Do dry skin brushing only if you haven’t already today, otherwise put drops of relaxing essential oils, light some candles and put on soothing music, have a glass of water to sip, and relax and enjoy your hot bath. You have completed the 5 Day Green Cleanse and are now the owner of a new revitalized finely tuned up body. Enjoy it, be proud.
Go to bed early and have a wonderful night’s sleep!
I hope you have enjoyed the cleanse.
Sweet Dreams!
Be sure to reread and follow the post on coming off a cleanse. Always come off of a cleanse slowly.