5 Day Green Cleanse Detox Plan – Day 4

Welcome to day 4 of the 5 day green cleanse detox! With all of the greens, juices, smoothies and lighter foods that you have been consuming, your body is being nourished while taking a break from the heavy digestive processing that normally uses a lot of our bodies energy. Now the body will use this extra energy to detoxify.
This is why relaxed activities are recommended, to allow as much energy as possible to the body’s natural detoxification systems. Stretching and movement is ideal to move the lymph around the body. Deep breathing does this as well. The activities suggested here will enhance the detoxification process to give you the most benefit during these 5 days.
Modify as desired as to your preference for the suggested activities and remember to listen to your body. You can increase or lessen the detox by adjusting the foods that you consume as well. To come off the detox, begin slowly incorporating more foods that you are accustomed to eating, keeping it very healthy and light as you first readjust back.
So now let’s start Day 4!
5 Day Green Cleanse Detox – Day to Day Plan
Day 4
Good Morning!
Evaluate how you are feeling and reread yesterday morning’s message if you are not feeling well. If you are feeling clear and energized (even if slightly light headed), then let’s get on this day.
Water and Lemon Water
First have your hot cup of lemon water. Picture this liquid clearing out all the toxins that have built up in your system overnight. This is what it is doing, it helps to release them and get them moving out of your body.
Measure out your 2 liters of water for the day and drink a big glass now.
Stretch to the sky, then bend down to the ground. Spend 5 minutes stretching and giving thanks to the world for being so beautiful and amazing and here for you. Appreciate that you are cleaning up your body so that you can be more fully here for it. Give thanks to the sunshine and to all of life. And be proud of yourself on this cleansing journey. You are making the world, and especially yourself, more beautiful.
Green Lemonade and Granola with Almond Milk, with berries and banana if you like.
Walking and Fresh Air
This is a great time to go for a morning walk. Make sure to bring water with you. If you can get out in nature that is ideal, but anywhere outside in the sun is great. Try to stay away from pollution as much as possible so take the quieter, less traveled route. Go adventuring and again be conscientious of inner self. Focus on your breathing and pay attention to your thoughts. The more you just focus and are aware of them the more they clean up on their own. Practise Ho’oponopono.
Morning Snack
Make and Enjoy a Berry Green Smoothie with Chia and Cacao
Water Therapy
If you enjoy water therapy treatments, you could run an aromatherapy bath or have a hot/cold shower to stimulate the circulation or if you have access to one, a steam or sauna. Make it special and use essential oils or even candles in a steam room. Continue to replenish water by drinking lots as you can lose lots with these therapies. During the cleanse always do dry skin brushing to clear away waste and old cells from the skin to allow it to release toxins more efficiently.
Have a Thai Green Juice to go with your Thai Marinated Broccoli with Multi Seed Crackers and Almond Cheese.
Then make and enjoy a cup of green tea afterwards. Green tea helps to boost the metabolism and has antioxidant properties that are beneficial with the cleanse.
Have a rest and then after do some stretching, very light exercise or yoga. If you have a favorite yoga video to follow or a favorite sequence, do this and watch your breathing. Conscious of each breath and moving it along with your body in and out of each pose. Lay afterwards and picture yourself in a beautiful surrounding at peace. Float on clouds and play with your imagination. Exercise this part of your mind. Now, while laying in savasana, take control of and guide your mind towards each part of your body, moving slowly through the whole body from head to toes and fully relaxing each part.
Afternoon Snack
Tropical Green Smoothie with Hemp seeds and Maca and Kale Chips
Enjoy a nice walk. Try to get out into nature and spend some time in the sun if possible, or at least out in the fresh air. Sun salutations in the grass are always nice. Or perhaps you can find a nice easy walking trail somewhere close by. Bring a container of water with you.
Big Bowl Salad with Avocado and Nutmeat Patty.
Have a green tea again if you are customarily a coffee or tea drinker. If not, or if you prefer have a hot lemon water instead.
Relaxed Activity
Do some quiet activity that you enjoy and let your body rest. Relaxed activity is also good. The more conscientious you are of your body and the cleansing process it is going through the more beneficial it will be for you. You will be subconsciously aiding your body with it’s cleansing process. Similarly, the more you can be conscientious of your breathing and your thoughts, the more they will clean up. Your mind will be clearer and stronger.
Evening Snack or Dessert
Banana with Chia seeds and Cinnamon
Do not have an epsom salt bath tonight.
Stretching and Meditation
Do some light stretching. If you have a guided relaxation audio, or peaceful music or background music, such as water and nature sounds, put it on and lay back and spend some time with yourself. Aim to get into a deeply relaxed and meditative state. Just laying, breathing deeply, conscious of your breath, letting yourself go into your surroundings, still conscious but letting go can be a powerful experience, which continues to get richer the more you practice it. This is active inner work on you. Do it for your deepest benefit.
Go to bed early and have a good night sleep.