5 Day Green Cleanse Detox Plan – Day 1

This 5 day green cleanse detox is a great way to revitalize and rejuvenate the body. Chlorophyll and the abundant nutrients in leafy greens will nourish all of the cells of your body, while coaxing out and washing away fat and toxins from the body. This will give you lots of energy, clarity and strength and so you can continue working throughout this cleanse if you wish.
However, it is always more effective when doing any type of detox or cleanse to relax. By not expending energy doing physical work, your body will devote more energy to the detoxification process. So while you can go about your usual day to day activities, opt for more relaxing activities and it’s recommended to completely avoid strenuous workouts during these next 5 days.
This guide will give you some optimal activities to do that will assist the cleansing process. It is a general guide to follow, and you can approach it in whatever way works best for you. So now you are ready. Here is the outline for your first day.
5 Day Green Cleanse Detox – Day to Day Plan
Day 1
Good Morning!
Start your day with a cup of hot water and lemon. Afterwards do some light stretching.
Drink lots of Water
Remember to drink lots of water during the day. Measure out 2 liters of water and aim to finish this and ideally up to a liter more by evening. Sip some constantly throughout the day, but aim to drink most of it earlier in the day, so you are not kept up with running to the bathroom in the night.
Think of the wonderful cleansing you are giving your body and how it will help it to run more efficiently. As you clean inside you are clearing way the debris and toxins and making everything run more smoothly. Cleaning your body also clears your mind and helps you to think better. Be appreciative and proud of the effort you are putting in to make your body and your life healthier and happier.
Make yourself a Berry Green Smoothie with Chia seeds and Goji berries
A Walk in Nature
Now is a great time to go for a walk and take in some sunshine, or just lay in the sun. If there is no sun, dress warm and get some fresh air. Buy some flowers to celebrate you! Or make a trip to your local health store and buy something new which you can enjoy while on the cleanse such as a box of herbal ‘relaxing’ tea, a bottle of kombucha or a package of frozen acai, which is a great addition to any Berry Green Smoothie.
Morning Snack
Heart Beet Juice with Flax Crackers and Almond Cheese
Drink your juice in a special glass. It’s magical!
Take a Relaxing Bath
Run a bath and do some dry skin brushing while the water is running.
Big Bowl Salad with House Dressing and a side of Avocado slices, topped with chopped Walnuts and Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds. Savor every bite.
Make a cup of Green tea to enjoy afterwards.
Light activity: Yoga, Walking, Stretching
Do some yoga, stretching, walking or some kind of light exercise to get the body moving. Think of the green juice going to work cleansing every area of your body. Lay on your mat and bring your mind to each part of your body and actually visualize your blood cells becoming healthier and brighter and flowing more smoothly through your veins. See the white blood cells picking up the debris, the fat cells and toxins being dislodged and eliminated out of your body. Imagine you in your optimally healthy body. Be happy and give yourself credit for taking good care of yourself.
Afternoon Snack
Make yourself a Tropical Green Smoothie with hemp seeds and Chlorella. Enjoy with a side of Kale Chips.
Drink Water!
Remember to constantly drink water. It is helping to flush the waste out of your system.
Treat yourself to something Special!
Book a special treatment for tomorrow or the following day, or both! Try something new, perhaps an acupressure, acupuncture, reiki or shiatsu treatment. This is a great time to treat yourself to a massage. Or how about a pedicure?
Relaxation – Visualization
Now is a great time to listen to a guided relaxation recording and relax. Get in warm, comfortable, loose fitting clothes and create a comforting spot for yourself to drift away to the sound of another person’s voice guiding you to a state of deep relaxed calm and peace.
Then if you have a hypnosis or subliminal audio you are in the perfect state to put one on. These are great to reprogram your brain with success and healthy living principles. They can help you get over any fears or anxieties you may have or can help you to be more concentrated, clear and to function better in many areas of life. They help to rewire your brain to think positive thoughts to aid and optimize your living experience.

All Green Juice and Zucchetti with Basil Spinach Pesto and Nutmeat Patty
Enjoy and savor your meal and your first day of this 5 day experience. Light some candles and practice conscious eating, paying attention to each bite, to your breathing and your atmosphere. Be happy and peaceful, smile inside.
Enjoy a Relaxing Evening
Do a calm activity like reading, or watching an empowering, feel good film. Enjoy any relaxed activity that you really enjoy. You can put on some music and do some stretching or, after your evening snack, dress warm and go for an evening walk.
Evening Snack or Dessert
Banana with Chia seeds and Cinnamon
Epsom Salt Bath
Run yourself an Epsom salt bath and retreat to bed early. If you did dry skin brushing earlier you do not need to do it again, but if not it is very beneficial to cleanse and remove the dead cells from your skin, open pores and increase circulation. Put a few drops of a relaxing essential oil blend or use Sandalwood or Lavender to bring calm and relaxing atmosphere.
Go to bed early and get a great night’s sleep.