Archive for March 2014 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Cooked Recipes

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I love green curry. I make it often and it changes everytime according to what vegetables I have on hand, so this Thai green curry recipe is very adaptable. The vegetables in this recipe are some of my favorite, so this is a great initial green curry recipe to follow. But what really makes a Thai green curry is the sauce, which as you may know, is very different from an Indian curry.  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This salad was inspired by a list of ingredients written in a cookbook binder by Andre at Lotus Heart. They read: beets, carrots, pecans, mint, lime, balsamic vinegar and arugula of course, or something like that. Maybe I added a couple or left a couple ingredients out, but the main thing is that the final salad was really delicious! ..and we now have an actual recipe to follow and go with!  || Read more