Archive for January 2014 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Blog, Diet & Lifestyle

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Adaptogenic herbs are safe, non-toxic herbs that recharge the adrenal glands, helping you respond to stress. The top adaptogenic herbs can be taken safely as they are non-toxic. One of the main benefits of them is that not only do they work on the whole body, but they go to work where your body needs it the most. The top adaptogenic herbs will help you to reduce stress and gain energy. They also strengthen the immune system, || Read more

posted by on Cooked Recipes

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This recipe was one of my favorites that I made last year for a chickpea diet book. It has roasted zucchini and fennel along with lots of herbs: parsley, mint and oregano, which together give an amazing flavor to this protein-rich chickpea and quinoa salad.  || Read more