Archive for January 2014 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Raw Recipes


This kale salad has been my favorite lately. I made it and we all loved it, and I I made it again the next night. That’s a sign of real love! The smoked paprika is not overpowering and combines well with the sweet apple. But it’s not only the taste that is fantastic in this salad, it has a great texture as well. || Read more

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle

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I’m posting a personal note today to tell you about my plans for February, and about the Lotus Heart Center. Last weekend I was all set to book a ‘business trip’ to Cuba with some friends. We had been talking about it for the past couple of weeks. It was all very exciting but then almost simultaneously the Universe seemed to change plans for most of us. || Read more

posted by on Cooked Recipes

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This vegan cream of mushroom soup recipe is a very grounding and comforting soup.  Mom and I are still making our weekly weekend soups together and this is our new favorite. It’s cooked, but it is oh so delicious. Cream of mushroom was my favorite soup when I was young, and now after adding some cooked foods into my diet after being raw for such a long time, of course I would have to try it again. But have you ever checked out the label of what is in the canned cream of mushroom soups? || Read more

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle

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You can intentionally raise your vibration to achieve vibrant health and to live a more energetic, full and longer life.  There are so many benefits to living a high vibe feel-great life. Read on for why you should raise your vibration and check out the tips to see if there are any ways you can raise your vibration even higher!  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes


This kelp noodles recipe is not only delicious but so easy to make as well. Kelp noodles provide a great alternative to pasta and the Japanese inspired flavors of sesame and ginger in the dressing goes very well with them. 

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Ho’oponopono is one of my personal favorite and most used (inner and outer) healing techniques. I first heard of it from an article by Joe Vitale many years ago, which told a fascinating story about a Hawaiian psychologist, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. Dr Hew Len worked in a prison for the criminally insane and made amazing transformations to the complete ward of inmates through the ancient Hawaiian healing technique of Ho’oponopono. || Read more

posted by on Cooked Recipes


I love hummus, I actually really love and usually eat my raw vegan chickpea-less hummus recipe (check out below to get that recipe!), but I recently made this traditional chickpea hummus recipe that tastes fantastic while developing recipes for a Chickpea Diet Book. This hummus is so easy to make, costs a fraction of store bought hummus and is much more delicious as well! || Read more