Archive for November 2013 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle, Raw Food Kitchen, Recipes - Drinks

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Winter is on its way and I have been asked frequently for suggestions on how to stay raw in the winter. Eating raw food in the winter is definitely a little more challenging than in the summer and I feel like I have this one down. I have helped others and I myself have stayed 100% raw through many Canadian winters and so, I have some great tips and strategies to share. || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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The frost has hit and I was a little sad a couple weeks ago to lose some basil from frost. I used most of it, so not that bad. However I decided that it was time to pick and make a herb paste to freeze with the rest of the hardier herbs in the garden. Often I just process the herbs with a little olive oil and that’s it, but I decided to do it a little differently this year. || Read more

posted by on Cooked Recipes


I am excited to get back to posting new recipes for foods that I have been testing, and loving, after my month long green juicing adventure! I have been in the kitchen lots lately and now need to make time to come post and share the most successful recipes.

I have been recently asked to create some recipes with chickpeas, for a chickpea diet book.  || Read more

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle, Natural Healthy Therapies

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Subliminal audio is a strategy I have used for years and one that I believe really helped to empower my thinking, and made actually living a healthy life doable. Many of us know what we should be doing to achieve our highest well-being and richest life, but not all of us can put it into action. Many times this is because of our inner subconscious programming. || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This upper body workout is made up of 4 rounds of 4 different favorite bodyweight exercises, great for building great arms and a fantastic upper body. Developing your lats and shoulder muscles gives your body great lines that makes your waistline look smaller. ..and you’ll look great in a tank top, or any sleeveless top.  This workout also has mountain climbers and burpees for some great cardio, to build a strong heart as well! || Read more