Archive for July 2013 | Monthly archive page

posted by on 5 Day Green Cleanse

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Welcome to day 3 of your green cleanse detox! Today will mark the halfway point. Time goes by quick and this cleanse is only 5 days so make sure to put your best effort into it to get the most out of it for  yourself that you can. You will feel vibrant, energized and rejuvenated afterwards.  || Read more

posted by on 5 Day Green Cleanse, Blog

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Congratulations on completing day one! This 5 day green cleanse detox is one of the healthiest ways to clear your body of impurities while infusing it with vital nutrition. All of the systems in your body will function better, including your hormonal system which regulates your moods and emotions and even your brain. Your body will go back in years and be rejuvenated, your metabolism will function better, you will move easier and feel happier and more at peace.  || Read more

posted by on 5 Day Green Cleanse

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This 5 day green cleanse detox is a great way to revitalize and rejuvenate the body. Chlorophyll and the abundant nutrients in leafy greens will nourish all of the cells of your body, while coaxing out and washing away fat and toxins from the body. This will give you lots of energy, clarity and strength and so you can continue working throughout this cleanse if you wish.  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This bacon salt recipe is a healthy version of this new popular seasoning salt.  When I heard of bacon salt I thought not a bad idea. It’s a great flavorful way to get a smoky salty taste without needing to eat meat, or extra fat. However, the bacon salt commercially made I found out is loaded with artificial flavors, colors and chemicals most of us really do not want to eat.  This motivated me to create a more healthy version,  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This sandbag workout is an HIIT, high intensity interval training, workout. In it 6 great sandbag exercises are alternated in interval periods. The sandbag HIIT exercises flow with new dynamic sandbag exercise combos and lots of favorite sandbag exercises. This sandbag workout has lots of squats and abs exercises to really tone and tighten the leg, glute and core area but also incorporates lots of movement in the sandbag exercise combos providing a full body workout that will strengthen and tone the body all over.  || Read more

posted by on Home

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Mom and I took a wonderful walk around Jones Lake together and I decided to bring my camera to take photos of it. Jones Lake is a man-made lake in the middle of our city, Moncton, and our house is almost right on it. We can see over to the lake from the front windows of our house. I grew up on this lake, and it holds lots of wonderful memories. My parents used to walk hand in hand around this lake so many evenings. It’s really special to mom too. || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This tasty flax crackers recipe is sweet, salty and spicy and flavored with garam masala.  Garam masala is an aromatic blend of spices common in North Indian and South Asian cuisines. These super healthy crackers are primarily made of nutritious EFA rich flax seeds, which are  mixed with vegetables and seasonings to make them delicious, and then dehydrated to preserve the abundant enzymes and nutrition.   || Read more