Archive for March 2013 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This Ugi workout is a 15 minute workout with new Ugi exercises.  This new HIIT workout features the Ugi ball and goes through rounds of 6 different leg and abs exercises in rounds of intervals. High intensity interval training is the fastest and most effective way to shape your body. It has been proven to build muscle while helping you to lose body fat simultaneously better than any other form of training, and I know first hand, and second hand, that this works.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes


This raw vegan ice cream recipe is the ultimate ice cream recipe, of maple pecan that is. Raw vegan ice cream is simply amazing. Firstly and importantly, it is claimed by me, and by hundreds of others that I have served it to, to be the most delicious ice cream ever! It tastes fresh, sweet and delicious. It has a smooth and creamy texture, and best of all, it is dairy-free and actually healthy, made with very nutritious ingredients. || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This arms workout uses creative variations of push up exercises along with burpees and other jumping exercises to distract the mind, make the workout fun and get as many push ups out of you as possible. Different strategies are used to do the push ups exercises in different ways and work the major push up muscles: the pecs, the triceps and deltoids, and other upper body muscles: lats, biceps, as well as the inner stabilizing assisting muscles.   || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This abs workout is 16 minutes of interval training, in which different types of crunches get alternated. Rounds of mountain climbers are added into the mix, which are a great ab exercise as well as adding in some great cardio to get out heart rate up, as well as our metabolism boosted and revved up. There are some new crunch exercises, which work different ab muscles as well as obliques. || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This Thai soup recipe is one of my very favorite soups. It is a tomato based soup blended with coconut and avocado for a dreamy creamy texture. Thai food is often spiced with ingredients that can be hard to find in many areas of  North America, and so I have a version that will replicate the authentic Thai seasonings with ingredients more readily found locally. So this wonderful traditional complex seasoning blend of  sweet, salty, sour and hot are available to us all.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Diet & Lifestyle, Raw Recipes

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My new raw food recipe book is out! I am really excited to share The Joy of Living Foods in a paperback version with you. I have been asked to make it paper, and I did. This raw recipe book has all of my favorite recipes. All of the dishes are made with living foods, prepared with raw food techniques that will make you glow, feel stronger, clearer and empowered. The benefits of preparing foods this way is huge and now I can share with you how to make them delicious too!  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This leg workout is designed to make you really feel it! So don’t be surprised if you are walking a little funny the next day. Youch. But in a good muscle building way, of course! This one is a pyramid workout with all bodyweight exercises. You start off slow with 5 reps, then do 10, then 20 (killer, but doable), 10 and then the last 5 is a breeze and a relief. It feels great to finish that off and if you are like me, you will be left lying in a little pool of sweat at the end.  || Read more