Archive for March 2013 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This new Ugi ab workout is an HIIT workout make up of intervals and full of new exercises. 4 Ugi exercises, which are full body core exercises, get alternated with a new weighted crunch exercise. I used dumbbells but you can use whatever weight you have available, dumbbells, balls, water bottles; they will all work.   || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

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I tested a new healthy breakfast cereal recipe yesterday. I love testing out combinations of superfoods and this combination is a winner. Mom loves it. She’s had a few bowls of it already! It is a little like oatmeal, except that there are no oats or grain at all in this one. It is made up of the most nutritious seeds with goji berries, maca, vanilla and cinnamon that come together as pure awesomeness in your bowl. You will feel revitalized and full of energy after a big bowl of this warming, filling and delicious superfood cereal combo!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This tabata workout has three 4 minute rounds. The first and the last are tabata interval training rounds and the second round is a rep challenge, to do as many reps as possible of a side plank burpees. I love these burpees. They will challenge your balance, which is always great to work on your inner core muscles. This workout takes little room. It is short, only 12 minutes, and tabata workouts are proven to build strength and endurance fast.  || Read more

posted by on Raw Food Kitchen

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Which natural sweeteners are the most healthy sweeteners and the best sweeteners of all? This question has been asked over and over and it’s one of those questions that can have many answers, depending on how you look at it and who is answering. When I look at natural sweeteners I will take into account the sweetening effect vs the nutritional aspect. || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This sandbag workout is a time challenge with 5 rounds of an exercise sequence that has skipping with lots of favorite sandbag exercises. The last sandbag exercise in each round changes, and alternates different sandbag leg exercises, mostly lunges and squats. There are ab exercises, a sandbag sit ups and leg raise combo, and lots of great cardio exercises with burpees, also a great ab exercise, combined with skipping. || Read more

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle, Recipes - Drinks

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I am about to share what I think is the best hangover remedy recipe there is!  Of course, the best remedy is not drinking, but I am talking about a really awesome, incredible, amazing, best hangover remedy recipe for that occasion when you went all out and now you need to recover fast.  Surprisingly I have gotten asked a lot in emails about my views on drinking, and here I am going to share them with you.  || Read more

posted by on Recipes - Drinks

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I made an incredibly delicious Shamrock Shake Recipe the extra healthy superfood way. They are so incredibly good that I want to share them with you and hope you have time to indulge for St Patrick’s Day too! But, of course, they are great for any time of the year!  These shakes are not only awesomely delicious but they are good for you too!  Read on to see my superfood alternatives!  || Read more