Archive for March 2013 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Blog, Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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A jump rope workout with hopping, jumping and skipping for Easter. This HIIT workout has skipping mixed with HIIT rounds. The HIIT exercises are not skipping but there is hopping and jumping and they do use the rope. There are new creative exercises again and the cardio exercises are combined with a brutal ab exercise. I even put an alternative in case you find it challenging too.  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This raw rice recipe is made without the rice. The only way to eat rice, according to raw foods techniques, would be by soaking and sprouting it, which I have only seen done well with wild rice. Even with that, it comes out with a more chewy texture and definitely is not soft the way we are used to cooked rice. So to create a base like rice, the best way I have found to do it is with parsnip or cauliflower. || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This total tone workout has all Ugi exercises and mixes lots of new exercises with Ugi as well as some favorites. This Ugi workout is a full body HIIT workout, focusing on leg and ab exercises but has lots of movement to shape and tone the whole body.  There are 2 parts, a time challenge  followed by HIIT interval training and  these two parts are each done three times.  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes


This protein peanut butter cups recipe is one I decided I needed to make into as healthy a version of as I possibly could, while still keeping the deliciousness, and I wanted a high protein version as well. My kids and family LOVE Reese’s peanut butter cups, so I am thrilled to get down a version that everyone who has tasted them so far has raved over. In fact, everyone so far to taste them says they would take these over the original. Not bad for ramping up the health quotient and making them into a raw food recipe!  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This new sandbag workout is 12 minutes of interval training designed to work legs and butt. It has new sandbag exercises, which I thought were really fun.. almost too fun. To be honest, I was concerned that I may not feel it today but I really do, so Success!!  This sandbag workout has 4 exercises and each of them is done 4 times. There is a good flow in the order of exercises and it really keeps you moving. This HIIT workout is only a 12 minute workout, so give it all you’ve got and you will see, the time goes by quickly! || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This raw vegan burger recipe was created a few years ago, when I made an abundance of a veggie pate for an event. I often make too much food. That probably comes from having kids, and often a house full of kids! I have learned that left over food always gets eaten and I rarely throw food away. So this time as usual, I had lots left over. But this time I decided to form the veggie pate into patties and try dehydrating them into burgers. Success. They turned out wonderfully! So this pate recipe is a dual purpose. You can enjoy it as a pate with crackers and also make very healthy and delicious burgers as well!  || Read more

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle

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Good Morning and Happy Sunday to you!  I have been thinking about putting together a newsletter lately and something a lot more personal that this image above!  I have been racking my brains thinking how I want it and searching on how to do it.  I will admit it has been challenging my new-found tekie skilled brain! But I will conquer it and figure this out and have a newsletter up and running soon. || Read more