Archive for February 2013 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Art, Home & Mom

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Ruud van Empel creates digitally enhanced photographs with a dream-like quality. His idyllic scenes of children in lush tropical settings evoke a modern Eden, but a paradise shrouded with mystery. These complex works are bursting with life and color. Lush, surreal, immaculate, flawless beauty that brings up a discussion of perfection and innocence. Join me on a voyage that borders reality and imagination through the portal of Rud van Empel’s visions.  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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Hot Sideshow Abs Workout is a 24 minute HIIT workout with all bodyweight exercises. It has lots of new and great abdominal exercises that focus on one side and then the other to really target the abs muscles being worked. The abs exercises are combined with one leg exercises, plank and burpees which are great for balance and so also work the core stabilizing, deeper assisting muscles to build core strength. This is great functional strength that will keep your body strong for all of your day to day movements and lessen chances of any injuries.  || Read more

posted by on Blog


This Blended Salad Soup Recipe is new way to change up how you get your greens and it is surprisingly refreshing and delicious way to do it.  I will admit that I was turned off at first with the idea of blending my salad, but only until I tried it. What a surprise! So I know and agree, that a salad soup may sound really strange, but give it a try and you may be surprised also to find that this super easy way to get greens actually tastes fantastic!  || Read more

posted by on Equipment

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The gymboss interval timer is the best timer I have found for doing HIIT workouts. Most of my workouts are done with intervals and so an interval timer is one f the most important pieces of fitness training equipment in my home gym. High intensity interval training (HIIT) has been proved to be the most effective type of training for boosting metabolism and burning fat to help you lose weight quickly, while building muscle and strength. || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This high intensity workout is a 16 minute long HIIT interval workout with all bodyweight exercises. Go through a sequence of 8 fun classic exercises mixing cardio, full body and abs exercises along with core strength building exercises. Do it as quick as you can to get as many reps in of each exercise before the beep. Keeping good form is a priority to get the most out of the workout, but moving fast through it provides great cardio and will really boost your metabolism.  || Read more

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle, Raw Food Kitchen


How to eat raw is really simple: grab an apple and eat it, but making raw foods a big part of your everyday life can be a little more challenging, especially if you are coming straight from a standard American diet of mostly cooked and processed foods. We mostly all know that eating raw foods, straight from nature is healthy. || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This 12 minute Ugi workout is a HIIT workout made up of all Ugi exercises. There are 5 exercises and you go through them in intervals, with the feature exercise – Ugi Cross Core Abs getting repeated. I am always looking for ways to make sit ups more interesting, and I liked the way this exercise works the core and obliques. The Ugi exercises may look easy,  but that is only until you actually do them, and then you realize it takes a lot of deeper core strength to balance and keep form, holding onto or supported by that seemingly innocent weighted ball.  Each of the exercises in this Ugi workout is a new one for me, or a different variation, and the time went by really fast!   || Read more