Archive for February 2013 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Blog, Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes


This ab workout is 12 minutes of fast paced HIIT training. Go through rounds of 4 all new cardio infused dynamic exercise combos. They are fun and challenging. Work on your balance and build core strength with fun new burpees exercises. Work on your co-ordination, balance and speed as you build muscle, boost your metabolism  as well as cardio endurance. Great! Get your interval timers out and ready and let’s go!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Recipes - Drinks


My favorite vegan protein shakes are made using hemp protein powder and SunWarrior protein powder. I am going to give you 4 recipes showing the ways I most like to make them. They range from the more elaborate and decadently delicious Creamy Cacao Hemp Protein Shake, with lots of maca added in, to the very, very simple.  Banana Berry is another favorite flavor and I have 2 versions included here, one made with hemp protein powder and one with SunWarrior, so we are covering all the bases. Whatever you are in the mood for, I’ve got you covered on the vegan protein shake frontier.  Come check out how I most like to make them!  || Read more

posted by on 7 Days Eating Raw Foods Plan, Blog


The 7 days of eating raw foods plan will provide you with everything needed to keep you satiated and nourished. One of the characteristics of eating raw foods that can be hard for many to adapt to when starting to eat raw is the light feeling that can be a part of it. It can feel like you are not ‘full’, as most of us are used to feeling heavy after eating a cooked meal and associate that with feeling full. With the raw food diet we can emulate this feeling with dehydrated foods.  || Read more

posted by on 7 Days Eating Raw Foods Plan, Blog

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With this 7 days eating raw foods plan most of the foods that you will be eating during your raw week will be made prior to it beginning. At this point you have made your dehydrated items and now it is just a few days before your jump into eating raw foods completely. The menu plan provides lots of variety and delicious, satiating, nutritious foods that will make you feel vibrant and energized. Think of the week before, making your raw dishes, as a little education and an investment you are making in yourself. This is time and energy well spent. What better endeavor than to create a better, healthier and stronger you.  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This sandbag workout is a leg workout, but the truth is that I am not only feeling it m the legs, and that’s glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves! but also my arms and shoulders. I have a serious need to really stretch it out today. This sneaky sandbag workout got me more than I anticipated, which is great!  It has 2 parts. The first is a time challenge and an awesome sequence of exercises combining cardio, jumping around, the sandbag and burpees. Who could ask for more?  This is followed up with a second part of HIIT training, 10 minutes of all sandbag exercises.   || Read more

posted by on Blog, Diet & Lifestyle, Equipment


This 4 week bodyweight workout program is a carefully laid out plan to help you get more fitness and exercise into your life. It takes discipline to workout at home and sometimes the challenge is just knowing where to start. I know you lead busy lives and so I have made a plan and organized workouts, as I would love someone else to do for me, if I didn’t already love to do it!  Consistency is key to making big changes in your physical fitness and this plan can help you stay on track. Following a HIIT home workout program and doing 10 to 30 minute workouts daily will fast track you to better health and the body of your dreams.  || Read more

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle

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These top 10 superfoods represent the superstars of the plant world in terms of nutrition and healing properties. What makes a food a superfood? A food is considered to be a superfood if it has a broad or very high nutrient content, or if it has very special powerful healing or medicinal properties that are unique to this plant, rarely found in others.  As such, these foods are the best foods to incorporate into your diet to heal yourself, and to look and feel your best. || Read more