Archive for February 2013 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This upside down cake was a real sensation at dinner and everyone had more than they planned. Maybe it was the bright fresh tropical sun-infused fruit that felt so good to us, just coming out of winter, or maybe it was the straight from nature, nutritious raw ingredients that always make you feel good to eat. But more likely it was that it just tasted great, because it really does! This upside down cake can be made with other fruit, like berries, or peaches, and it is so easy to make.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This 12 minute sandbag HIIT workout is an interval training workout. It has some very fun and dynamic bodyweight exercises. There is only one sandbag exercise, but it is done 4 times.  Full body workout targets core muscles and works abs. There are leg exercises and lots of dive bombers to build beautiful arms as well. This is a great quick interval workout for when you don’t have a lot of time. It is fast, fun and effective! Come try and you will see!  || Read more

posted by on 2 Day Intensive Green Cleanse

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The menu plan for the 2 Day Green Cleanse is made up of cleansing and healing chlorophyll  rich drinks, salads and healthy snacks. Chia seeds are predominant to help make you feel full during the cleanse. Chia swells up and gives you a satiated feeling while at the same time is effective at helping to sweep the toxins out of the system. Other healthy nuts and seeds, including hemp seeds are added also.  Hemp has one of the highest nutritional ratings of any food. It is abundant in balanced essential fatty acids and is made up of 24% protein.  || Read more

posted by on 2 Day Intensive Green Cleanse

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This 2 day green cleanse detox is an ideal detox cleanse for a weekend, or for any time you have 2 days free. You could work while doing this green cleanse, as the green juices and foods will give you lots of energy. However, it is always more effective when doing any type of detox or cleanse to relax. By not expending energy doing physical work, your body will devote more energy to the detoxification process.   || Read more

posted by on 2 Day Intensive Green Cleanse, Blog

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We are onto Day 2 of the Green Cleanse Detox plan. Congratulations on making an effort and taking a big step at boosting your health level by detoxifying the body.  This cleanse not only detoxifies, but is also very nourishing to your body. You may feel tired from the body’s big detox process or more energetic from the influx of nutrients and chlorophyll. Each person will feel a little differently depending on many background circumstances. Listen carefully to your body. How are you feeling today? Tired? Refreshed? Take it easy and only do any activities suggested that you feel like doing.  Do only what feels right to you.
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posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This fun new action packed sandbag workout combines fun burpee time challenge rounds with HIIT interval rounds. The burpee rounds are short, taking only a couple minutes to complete each one, and are fun once you get the hang of the movements. || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This tamarind sauce recipe is delicious! I love tamarind. It is one of my favorite flavors: sweet, sour and with a very deep flavor that once you add a little sweetness and some spices and zest, it turns into an almost intoxicating taste sensation. With this raw food recipe I am going to show how to marinate and dehydrate to soften vegetables the raw way.  || Read more