Archive for January 2013 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This cheesecake recipe totally rocks. First and most importantly, it is delicious. In fact of the hundreds of people I have served this to, from in a restaurant to family and friends at home, almost every one agrees that this tastes as good as,  and even better than, the traditional dairy-based cheesecake. On top of that this is healthy! Go figure. Raw desserts are made of more healthy ingredients and are prepared in a way that preserves their enzymes. These enzymes are what our body needs and utilizes for every single process that goes on in it and for every movement we make. Enzymes are like the energy, the life force that makes you go.  And desserts are where raw food really shine. Everyone loves raw desserts and this classic one is a real winner.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This workout is 15 minutes of intervals with lots of burpees. It’s 4 different types of burpees intermixed with other legs, butt and abs exercises making this a mainly lower body workout. Jump lunges and squats are a couple of the best exercises I have found for shaping the butt and upper thighs. These bodyweight exercises are amazing and have just about completely erased any signs of cellulite from my upper legs, which is astonishing considering I have had this most of my life, and have tried every cream, lotion, potion and trick I would hear of to try to get rid of it. Go figure that now in my late 40’s I would discover the key with these bodyweight exercises, which seems to make it magically fade away. Awesome. So come burpee with me and get great shaped legs!  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This soup recipe is for one of my favorite soups. Miso soup is a raw soup, but I usually heat it up in a pot on the stove, being very careful not to get it too hot. Which is a little tricky and requires that you watch it. My rule of thumb about heating raw soups is to use your own skin, or finger, as a guideline. If the water is too hot and will hurt you it will start destroying the valuable enzymes in food too. Also, miso is a fermented food filled with probiotics and so we really want to keep those alive, because they are so great for our own digestive systems.  || Read more