Archive for December 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This 15 minute upper body workout is aimed to turn you into a jumgle hopping tree swinging monkey in no time. It has 3 of my favorite types of push ups: breakdance push ups, reptile push ups and roll back and up to push up. Push ups are a great classic bodyweight exercise, and is a classic because it works well to build a great shape and especially works the arms, chest and shoulders.  Think it can’t get any more fun? Think again. This has lots of fun plank jumps and pull ups to change it up and keep the workout upbeat and lively.  Ok, I’ll admit it. It’s tough. But it feels good after, and it’s done in 15 minutes.  Quick, fun, effective.  Ready?  || Read more