Archive for December 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Blog, Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This workout is made up of 2 rounds of intervals that are preceded, separated and followed by rounds of side burpees. The intervals are filled with exercises that are great for the abs and core, especially strengthening the obliques and also the supporting stabilizing muscles which get worked as you hold your balance in the side planks. These exercises create great cat-like sleek lines in the body!  And burpees are great for just about everything! They are a full body exercise working most of the major muscle groups of the body and adding cardio in too.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

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This raw version of corn chips makes one of my favorite snack foods super nutritious and something you can feel good about eating. No more guilty junk foods. Eat delicious snacks that you can feel great about! These chips are dehydrated until they are crispy. The process of drying at lower temperatures enables the chips to retain the ingredients original nutrition and high level of enzymes. The corn chips are made from sprouted buckwheat, flax seeds and organic corn and are lightly spiced and salted with a hand harvested mineral rich salt.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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I promise you that if you put your best into this workout you will feel it tomorrow. Well, at least I am majorly feeling it today (day after) and can hardly sit. Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself, but really I know why! These workouts will make you feel great and look great. They are great for the emotional health, releasing endorphins that make us happy and they are also great for our physical health, driving oxygen to all the cells throughout the body, building muscle, boosting metabolism and helping the body to function better on many different levels. These workouts are hard but the results are an across the board Win! So, let’s get at shaping a better bottom and increasing our physical and mental health too!  || Read more

posted by on Art, Home & Mom

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Ok, I am going to blast a post off with lots of cold weather pictures and then that’s it for me.. it’s all tropical rain forests and beaches in my mind for the next month! Maybe if I post enough cold weather pics I’ll come to grips with – the fact that I live in Canada – and that it is winter. sigh. I love our country but I seriously don’t think that many people really want to be here in the middle of the winter. I guess it’s because of family that we stay ..but really I don’t think humans were designed for these extreme cold temperatures. This is crazy. Well, grab your parka and bundle up.. we’re diving in. But right after this post, or maybe right after Christmas, that’s it – I’m hitting the hot tub, defrosting and hibernating to a cozy retreat in my mind where the sand is toasty and the sun is beaming down on me in a bikini.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

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I love jicama fries! They are a little different than french fries in their texture but they are delicious and totally satisfy that salty, crunchy, fried craving you may get every once in awhile. As long as you realize that it is not an exact substitute and to expect a bit of a different texture, then you may find yourself craving these after trying them the first time instead. They are super healthy if you are comparing them to anything deep fried, but are they the healthiest thing on the raw foods menu.. maybe not. Nothing beats greens imho, but that being said.. if you can stop at just one plateful, and combine them with other healthy foods, then these fries totally rock!!   || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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I really liked this ab workout and finished it in about 15 minutes. It has 2 rounds of intervals, which are each done in between rounds of mountain climbers. Mountain climbers are great for working the abdominal muscles and after doing lots of them you will know, as you can feel it. The interval rounds are each 6 minutes and both have the same 4 exercises: 3 plank based exercises and one crunch. I really like all of these exercises and the order of them gives a good amount of diversity to make it move along really well.  I am feeling my abs today (day after) from this and although I have another workout planned, I feel like doing this one again!  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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I have been thinking lately about my plans for this website. One of my goals is to get up my favorite recipes that can sustain anyone on a 100% raw lifestyle or  can up the health quotient of any diet. I have a collection of these favorite recipes that I make and eat regularly. Most are my own recipes but sometimes I come across a delicious super healthy dish and  love it when I can share that also. Anson made this soup at one of Fatma’s pot lucks a couple years ago. This soup is really delicious and I’m happy that he loves to share too!  || Read more