Archive for December 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This skipping based workout has 10 rounds and even though it is skipping based, if you can not skip for any reason, you can alternate the skipping for another cardio based exercise, such as high knees or mountain climbers.  I will admit that I overindulged over the holiday season and I was feeling it. ..and to boot, the evening before doing this workout I ate a huge bowl of salty popcorn, which I love.. and among other stuff. yikes!  I was feeling it but I also knew that a longer cardio based workout was going to make me feel so much better afterwards. It did. It can be tempting to avoid doing workouts if you have over indulged, but trust me, you will feel so much better afterwards. Your metabolism will be boosted and it leaves you wanting to eat healthier.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Food Kitchen, Raw Recipes

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This raw version of Pad Thai is close to the authentic, and very popular, Thai dish. It is made with tamarind and has all of the distinctive flavors of the original. The big difference is in the noodles. I like to mix softened kelp noodles with flat peeled zucchini noodles for my Pad Thai, and include strips of carrot, red pepper and other vegetables to fill it out also.   Pad Thai is a dish that excites all of the taste buds at once as you experience all of the flavor sensations; the sweet, sour, salty, tangy and spicy. This dish is a favorite and a wonderful taste sensation.   || Read more

posted by on Travel and the World

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Dewan Irawan is a photographer who works and photographs life in Indonesia. He takes us on a magical journey into the countryside to capture real life scenarios of the local people. His photographs are not simply portraits but they tell us stories of the Indonesian people. These stories portray the beauty of nature and the fleeting quality of life. They show people living a fun and peaceful life, living close to the land and in harmony with nature.  Let’s join him on his adventure to meet the people of Indonesia.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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First say Triple Trip 3 times really fast. ; ) It’s a workout that’s as fun as it’s name! This one is 14 minutes and 3 parts, each one has knee raise exercises done on the dip station. The first and third parts are the same and the goal is to do as many rounds of the exercise sequence as possible in 5 minutes. The time goes by really fast when you are racing against it. The second part in between these is a tabata interval round and for each work interval in it you do the same exercise. Your mission is to do the exercises quickly while keeping the best form you can while doing them.

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posted by on Blog, Travel and the World

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Today we are heading to a tea plantation, called Suvirun, which is located in the province of Chiang Rai in Thailand. Tea is harvested here every 6 weeks and from the leaves oolong tea is made.  Oolong tea is made from the leaves of the camellia sinensis, like black, green and white teas. What differentiates it is the way that it is processed and of the 4 types, oolong is the most difficult one to process.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

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This luscious creamy chocolate pudding is not only delicious but wonderfully good for you and is made with all high-nutrition natural ingredients. Raw cacao is one of the greatest of the superfoods and is easily found in most health food stores. It comes in a powder form, like cocoa, and is very easy to use. The avocado is completely undetectable in the finished pudding and is what makes the pudding so rich and creamy.  It is loaded with heart healthy natural fats and rich in nutrients. For the milk you can use your favorite type of milk. I like to use my homemade almond milk, which is unpasteurized and still has all the enzymes and nutrition of the raw almonds. For the sweetener, I chose maple syrup as I love the taste of it together with chocolate and in addition it is rich in minerals, but honey or agave would substitute well. Cinnamon has a great blood sugar stabilizing quality to it and is considered a superfood of the spice world. So, think of this as a superfood chocolate pudding and one you can feel really good about eating!  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This workout is a long one but a good one! It has lots of cardio built into it and will work on mostly lower body (legs, butt) and abs. For this one I did 3 rounds of the 2 parts. The first part is a time challenge that took me just over 3 minutes for each round and the second part is interval training rotating 3 awesome sandbag exercises and it is almost 7 minutes. So doing one round of the 2 parts will take about 10 minutes. My initial intention was to do 4 rounds of this, but as I was expecting company and was already at my time limit (was giving myself 30 minutes) I changed it to 3 rounds. So, that being said.. if you are up for the 4 rounds go for it! ..and conversely if you feel like doing 2 or even one round of this – great. Do whatever it takes to get yourself up and moving! ..but however you do it, push yourself while you are in the ring and do your best. You will feel great about yourself after!  || Read more