Archive for November 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Quotes and Inspiration

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Ok, it’s a virtual cocoon. I don’t really own this but would love to try it out! I used to be an installation sculpture artists and I have a thing for experiencing different spaces and perspectives.  I imagine that the actual feeling once you are in it is very much of a cocoon as we have a ball chair from the 60’s here at home and it is amazing how it changes the way you feel when you sit in it. You don’t hear or feel the outside world so much sitting in it and it is also feels very much like a cocoon.   || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This 20 minute upper body workout is filled with lots of push ups, a few burpees and some fun new plank exercises. I loved the two variations of plank twist overs. It also has the tiger push up.. a new push up for me that is like a combination of a diamond and a pike push up; it is great for triceps and more challenging than it looks.. look closely and you will see my arms trembling at the end. I think there is a good balance between the different types of exercises to give give some relief from the more challenging ones and make a good flow overall. Get ready to enter the adventurous world of the ..hidden burpee planking tiger.  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes


The date and nut pie crust is to raw pies what a pastry crust is to cooked pies. But as with most raw foods, it is made with abundantly nutritious ingredients. Instead of flour and shortening this pie crust is made with mineral rich dates and nuts, all loaded with the healthy fats and sugars that our bodies need to work optimally. || Read more

posted by on Blog, Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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Spend 4 minutes doing this excellent full body workout and get revitalized and filled with energy. These short workouts will not only turn your body into a fat burning machine but make you happy too with a quick release of endorphins  With all of the abundant benefits, why wouldn’t anyone spend 4 minutes a day doing a bit of intense exercise, especially with our favorite exercise – burpees.   || Read more

posted by on Travel and the World

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Our virtual weekend get away takes us to Monastero Santa Rosa hotel which was built in the 17th century as a monastery on the beautiful and picturesque Amalfi Coast in Italy.   || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes


I love pumpkin pie, but.. who doesn’t? It is rich and sweet and delicious and evokes memories of holidays and family. It is one of those desserts that feels like it should be good for you too. Well this one really is!  It is filled with abundantly nutritious ingredients and uncooked, giving the added benefit of all its vital enzymes intact. But the best thing is that it is Delicious. In fact most people can not even tell that it is not a cooked pumpkin pie and many have claimed it’s the best they’ve ever had.. even those who consider themselves pumpkin pie connoisseurs. Try it and I bet you will think it is the Best Pumpkin Pie also!  || Read more

posted by on Natural Healthy Therapies


I woke up this morning with a tingly throat, borderline sore. I could feel it coming yesterday too but I ignored it as I rarely ever get a cold thinking it would just go away. It’s getting really cold here in Canada and all of a sudden this week I am staying indoors a lot more than I’m used to with the heat on and I’ve realized that I have not been drinking enough water. Lack of fresh air and dehydrated and I feel the virus at work.. yikes!! But no fear because I am feeling confident enough that my incredible cold remedy will work its magic that I am posting day of, today .. and I will update tomorrow and the next day with how I am feeling.  || Read more