Archive for November 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Blog, Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This devious little workout can be done in under 10 minutes. It has a quick cardio flash of 100 mountain climbers sandwiching 6 minutes of intervals with some great really fun – feel like you’re in the circus- Swiss ball exercises. This workout is really ab focused with 4 of those exercises targeting your core ab muscles and the others to strengthen back and build hamstrings. Have fun with this one! It’s deviously good. || Read more

posted by on Quotes and Inspiration

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Ysabel LeMay explores the beauty, complexity and divinity found in nature in her artwork.   This Canadian artist was a highly successful graphic artist, but left corporate advertising to devote herself to painting full time from 2002 to 2010, when she turned her attention to photography.  Her works look like high realism paintings but they are a process that she calls photo fusion, a lengthy process in which she takes  hundreds of photographs and assembles them one at a time into her composition. Each piece takes 4 to 8 weeks to complete.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Food Kitchen

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I love pomegranates. They taste great and are so nutritious. The problem is that they are not the easiest fruit to eat. I have tried several ways to get the seeds out of them. This is the easiest, cleanest and quickest way I have found to do it.  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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Twin Peaks Full Body Workout

This workout is made up of 5 parts. It has 3 plateau parts, each with a 2 minute dip station sequence and 2 peak parts, where you climb a mountain of body weight exercises for time. The 2 time challenge rounds are a mix of real classic and fun body weight exercises. I found it just challenging enough to really push through it but thankful it was done by the end. It was a good challenge and I was ready to try to beat my time for the 2nd peak round. See how you do and how long it takes you to tackle the twin peaks!

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posted by on Raw Recipes

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This salad is surprisingly delicious. Surprising because it has 2 ingredients that are not so appealing to a lot of people, both of which are very good for you! One is Nappa cabbage which actually has a very light crisp taste, not bad at all..just being in the cabbage family it gets a bad rap and the other is cilantro, which turns some people off.. but before I go further, let me tell you that the cilantro gets lost in the salad and many who don’t normally like cilantro love it in here. Cilantro is also incredible for you. It is one of the best detoxifying leafy greens and is known for its special ability to draw heavy metals out of the body. We want this and this is a great way to get it!!  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes


This 12 minute workout is designed to work on our legs, abs and butt. It is made up of 3 Tabata intervals, each one alternating 2 different exercises. One of the exercises in each directly targets the butt and the other is builds your core strength and ab muscles. Each exercises provides some relief from the other so you get the most reps and the most benefit out of each interval period.  So, get your timer out and ready to blast that butt! || Read more

posted by on Equipment


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a way of exercising in which you alternate short periods of intense bursts of activity with shorter periods of rest for recovery.  HIIT workouts are usually short intense workouts lasting anywhere from 4 to 20 minutes. They have been proven to improve athletic ability as well as glucose metabolism and fat burning!  They are a great strategy to use to lose weight as with these workouts you lose weight from fat, but not muscle. In fact, these can be effective in building muscle also. HIIT is an excellent way to build and strengthen your cardiovascular system and help you build a healthier heart. You will become healthier all around as driving oxygen into your body benefits all of your organs and systems.   || Read more