Archive for November 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This cereal combination makes a great quick breakfast to make and have for when you are on the run. It is packed with superfoods and over flowing with nutrition. It’s quick, easy and you can eat it right out of the bottle. Mason jars are the great for transporting foods like this and you can drink out of them so you have your own water bottle with you for after! Try this combo one day when you are in a rush.. it will sustain you with energy, alertness and clarity and you will be glad you did.   || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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This 18 minute full body workout is made up of 6 sandbag exercises, a combo of a few new ones with a few classics. The matrix exercise engages your core ab muscles and is a new fun exercise. The sandbag leg raise exercise also works your core. Holding the sandbag up as you lift and lower your legs activates the ab muscles also and makes you automatically tighten and strengthen them throughout the movements.  || Read more

posted by on Raw Food Kitchen, Recipes - Drinks


Young Thai Coconuts have an incredible soft, very subtle and light tasting meat inside of them. The coconut meat makes a great base for many raw foods dishes as there is very little taste and the meat adapts to and blends well with (or is hidden under) many different flavors. It can be used in a diverse array of dishes from various types of cuisines.  You can cut the meat in strips to use alone as noodles or blend the meat with other ingredients or water to make a smooth creamy base for sauces and soups. I like to eat the meat as is straight from the coconut, just spoon out and eat. The water is pretty awesome too and is the highest natural  source of electrolytes. Coconut meat is filled with nutrients and the good fats contained in it are great for weight loss!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes


These brownies are not cooked. They are very easy to make and made with only a few ingredients. They are abundantly healthful and most importantly they are a  decadent rich and very delicious brownie. I have had many people tell me they didn’t realize until I told them they were raw that they were not a cooked brownie. They seem like one of those dense flour-less, or cooked low flour versions.  Brownies are one of my favorite desserts and I think that these brownies measure up to even the best of any I’ve tasted.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Food Kitchen

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Fresh vanilla beans will give a rich and deep, pure and clear flavor to any recipe calling for vanilla. There are a few different ways to use the beans. You can scrape the seeds out and just use these or make an extract or grind up and use the whole bean. In the video below I show how to open the bean and remove the seeds and also how to make an extract the raw foods way, without using alcohol. I’ll show you the no fuss, easiest ways to work with and use vanilla beans. || Read more

posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This workout is a quick 8 minute workout designed to boost your metabolism and get your body burning fat and working optimally. It is great for when you don’t have a lot of time. But this workout, like all of the metabolism booster workouts can be made longer to get more of a workout in by repeating or lengthening the rounds. I put some options below and I did option 1. In this workout a cardio round is alternated with 6 minutes of intervals using the Ugi ball. Ugi is awesome! But if you don’t have one, the exercises can also be done with bodyweight or by substituting another ball or weighted object.  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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These veggie chips are a great substitute for the more commonly found deep fried potato chips. These are salty, crispy and can also be spiced as desired for different flavors. I find them just as flavorful and satisfying but with a great bonus. They are actually good for you. Dehydrating keeps in the vital enzymes  as well as nutrients and there are no unhealthy fats in these. Only a little olive oil is used and it is kept at low temperatures so is stays in a beneficial state for the body.  My experience is that these go fast, so make lots! || Read more