Archive for November 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle


Ayahuasca journeying has had a deep effect on my perceptions and outlook of the world. I went through an ayahuasca period in my life a few years ago and I feel it is a story relevant to tell here as it deeply affected my spiritual health. There are a few times in my life when my perceptions and views on the way things are have been deeply shaken. When these core belief systems that framed my world were torn down I had to acknowledge that all I believed to be true and real in the world were not as I previously thought they were. It’s a surprising realization.   || Read more

posted by on Quotes and Inspiration

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Today we are going treehouse shopping. Our mission is to pick the best treehouse to spend the day in, and weekend too if you like. Or maybe we will never come back! What would make the perfect tree house for you? I think some great features would include: a tropical warm location, swings with long ropes so we can swing really high, a diving board and a deep natural pool underneath lined with plants and pebbles that filter out impurities (no chemicals or UV filters), hammocks, dry compost toilets, fruit trees nearby – a mango tree is optimal! and a nearby natural spring with pure water. We can pipe it in for running spring water if it isn’t already, solar panels to heat the water and keep the treehouse cozy on cool evenings, and to light up our glow lights. A treehouse that rocks a little in the wind, just slightly, nothing scary, would be good.  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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Soup’s on! This tomato soup recipe is all raw and so still contains all of the enzymes and nutrition found naturally in the fresh off the vine tomatoes, basil and avocados. Avocado and almond milk give the soup a rich creaminess and the fresh herbs give it a wonderful flavor. The soup is naturally not hot but can be heated up to 115 degrees, so it’s warming on a cool evening.   || Read more

posted by on Blog, Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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Hey Mr Sandbag Workout, do a burpee for me..  or two or three. Fun!  ..well, the workout seems fun but it’s a little brutal getting through the first part. Actually I think this is a good challenge and very doable. The first part is the type of challenge where you get halfway though and you say.. Oh, this is crazy, forget it..but then you go – wait. I’m half way finished, I’ll just do a few more reps.. and all of a sudden you’re finished and feeling awesome. ..and then it doesn’t seem so bad. ; )  That type of workout.  ..and then the second interval part is a bit of a relief.  Some great sandbag exercises and not a walk in the park, but it feels good to go back to intervals after the jumping and burpees. I really liked this workout and hope that you do too!  || Read more

posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This is the first workout in a series of 26 – under 10 minute – metabolism booster – workouts. It is body weight based ,so you don’t need any equipment, only yourself. This workout, like many of the workouts I do is done in intervals. Click the link in the workout description below to find out more about intervals timers and for links to online timers. These types of exercises and workouts are very effective to lose weight and sculpt the body. They work! I just turned 49 and find that they are ideal for women in their 40’s, especially as our metabolism starts to slow down. These workouts keep it revved up and our bodies functioning optimally. But really they are great for men and women of any age.  || Read more

posted by on Travel and the World

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Our location of the day takes us to Iquitos, Peru where we will board the M/V Aqua, the first luxury cruise ship on the Amazon River. It is only 130 feet long and accommodates 24 guests plus cruise ship crew.  Not many people have associated the Amazon River with luxury but this cruise could change that.  This ship is much like a large luxury cruise ship but on a smaller scale. It has a jacuzzi and gym and the windows are not like the usual small round windows, this  boat has large floor to ceiling windows. We will cruise deep into the Amazonian rain forest and jungle and stop for expeditions to see monkeys, dolphins , alligators and much more.

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posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This quick 8 minute workout is made up of 2 tabata rounds. Each one is 4 minutes and you alternate doing 2 exercises. Interval training is known to be great at revving up your metabolism and get your body working at top speed and burning fat as a fuel source.  I love the exercises in this workout! Fun, active and challenging.  || Read more