Archive for October 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes


This recipe was a special request. It’s a recipe that we used to make at Toronto Sprouts and it used to be the base layer for our famous ; ) Earth Bread sandwiches. These sandwiches were the biggest hit of the cafe, everyone loved them. & here’s a shout out to all of you underground Toronto raw people who came and ate those sandwiches made with Marie’s famous Earth Bread (which I helped to perfect ; ). But back to the Pate. I love this and make it often to have on crackers. It’s perfect with the Multi Seed Crackers! || Read more

posted by on Blog, Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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I woke up thinking about 4×4 Burpees and Adventures in Burpeeland. We were in the back of a 4×4… last time I was in the back of a 4×4 was in El Negro (name of the truck) going through Mexico with a case of beer in the back.. that was a long time ago. But I woke up with an adventure in my head and had to simulate it in a workout and this is it. You’ll have to use your imagination to get full effect.  || Read more