Archive for October 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This metabolism booster interval workout will get you sweating in 4 minutes. It is made up of 4 different types of burpees and the goal is to do as many as you can in each 50 second period. This workout is designed to give you a boost of energy and kick start your metabolism and keep it rev’ed and working for hours to come. It is short and quick but it does the job, so get on it, get it done and give it all you’ve got!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

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This rich and silky smooth white sauce is a raw vegan version of the classic Alfredo. It is delicious on zucchini noodles or used as a sauce on sandwiches, salads and just about anything. It can be blended with other sauces, such as Pesto to make it thicker or with Marinara to make a rich Rose sauce. Try mixing a little with your favorite salad dressing to change it up and make it extra creamy. It’s a diversified sauce which is great to have on hand and delicious on just about anything.  || Read more

posted by on Quotes and Inspiration

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Today our adventure takes us to Paros Greece to an amazing summer home designed by Alexandros Logodotis. This completely white house has a feeling of being worn as if the rain and wind over time has gently softened its edges. It has a very ethereal watercolor feel to it. Today is a day of peace and relaxed productivity. Breath deeply and consciously follow me to our location of the day.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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I really loved this workout and hope that you do too.  I found that I really got a lot out of the pull ups by spacing them out between the squats and so I could do more than usual. The exercises are well broken up to give you enough recovery to do the next set strong. This workout contains 30 burpees, 30 pull ups and lots of squats! Let’s do this!  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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This raw fruit and nut cereal is a wonderful mixture from the bounty of Mother Nature.  The ingredients in this recipe have been tested and taste delicious together but this is a recipe that you can really have fun with and change up. Use fruits that are in season or local and easily accessible to you. Or you can make it tropical by adding or substituting mango and pineapple and using macadamia and cashew nuts. You can add cacao nibs or blueberries; the variations are endless, but use this recipe as a base as this combination together tastes fantastic!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Travel and the World

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Maharaja (King) Jai Singh built the five observatories in the western part of central India. The most prominent and best preserved is the Jantar Mantar, which means literally ‘calculation instrument’.  || Read more

posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This metabolism booster workout is made up of 2 parts. The first is 4 minutes of 2 exercises done back to back and is sure to get you into a quick sweat. But 4 minutes and it is done!! Then you move onto the challenge, a time challenge with a fun exercise that took me just over 3 minutes. Just 7-8 minutes and your body is rev’ed and you are a fat burning, energetic, invigorated machine! Awesome!  || Read more