Archive for October 2012 | Monthly archive page

Hot Workout 8 min


posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This metabolism booster workout is 8 minutes of interval training. It consists of 8 exercises and each of these uses sliders. I used furniture sliders and I will post links and suggestions to different options below. This is a great new way to change up the exercises and use different muscles. You will use more stabilizing and core muscles to keep your foot on the slider and control the slide on top of performing the exercise.  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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Kale chips are a great raw snack that are super healthy and yet give you that crunchy and salty snack-food feel and taste. This recipe for them has a thicker coating on the kale, made primarily with cashews and nutritional yeast which together give a really cheesy taste. Add salt and you have yourself an amazing low fat, nutrition packed snack.  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Travel and the World

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This home is made completely of bamboo! Today we are working and playing from here: burpeeing through the bamboo forest and living on wild jungle fruit.. and green smoothies and kale chips, just took some out of the dehydrator this morning!  || Read more

posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes


This workout is filled with lots of ab exercises using a medicine ball. It has 10 different ones, so you get a great variety! If you don’t have a medicine ball,  just modify by using your body weight or other weight, such as another ball, dumbbell, kettle bell or even a water bottle.  There are burpees again, and like a Mom sneaks vegetables into her kids meals I sneak burpees into workouts. They just work. Burpees are a great full body exercise that really works the core muscles. So between these and all the different ab exercises, your core and abs will get a blast!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes


The Crispy Living Nuts and Seeds recipes will show you how to make a healthy version of dried nuts and seeds. It will show how to season them yourself and dry them at lower temperatures to retain all of the enzymes, vital nutrients and life force in the nuts in seeds. These are delicious to eat straight from the dehydrator (or oven) or can be mixed with raisins, goji berries and your favorite ingredients to make your own delicious and super healthy trail mix.  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This interval training workout is under 13 minutes and will give you a great workout all over: legs, arms abs and core! It has some great body weight exercises like dive bombers and pulsing jump lunges and for this workout we get to use our dip stations! If you don’t have one, modify with your favorite type of burpee for the 1st exercise and your favorite squat exercise for the 2nd. Always modify to make the workout work for you! This workout will quantum leap you into a wonderfully sexy and happy body that you can feel great about!  || Read more

posted by on Blog, Diet & Lifestyle

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Angela Stokes, an award winning author and lifestyle consultant, lost over 160 pounds and has kept it off  by living a raw lifestyle. She recovered from being considered morbidly obese at 294 pounds and has kept the weight off long term by eating raw plant foods. She considers this to be a healthy, simple and sustainable solution for losing weight and keeping it off. A solution in which the weight just seems to literally drop off. Angela is a great source of inspiration for many and is a beautiful vision of health and well-being.  || Read more