Archive for September 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This upbeat fast moving workout has 2 sets of just over 5 minute intervals, set in between  3 rounds of skipping. The exercises for the first round are done using the dip station and the second set are using the Swiss ball. It’s kind of like circus training time and it actually was fun!  || Read more

Terrific Workout


posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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For all of the exercises in this terrific workout I used my sandbag and I loved these sandbag exercises. I did a little over 2 rounds, but because of filming I started late and I think I could have done better! If you try it please let me know how many rounds you did. ..and eventually I will get it down to time it correctly! || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

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If you want to eat a lot of raw foods or are planning on going raw it’s a good idea to get used to eating salads! I never used to like salads, and if I can become a salad person, anyone can.  Trust me, they grow on you!!  Now I almost always have a salad as a side dish, but also I often will make this big salad as a main dish – and this Big Bowl Salad is it, or the base for it. Sometimes I also will add nutmeat (recipe coming) or steamed vegetables to fill it out and warm it up, which is a nice change.

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posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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Transcendent workout is an action packed high intensity workout with lots of cardio mixed in with the exercises. The Lateral Jump, Kick, Curtsy, Kick exercise is crazy, but great for testing and working on your balance. Get into your best Bruce Lee mode before starting this one! It’s fun and active and makes you feel like you’ve accomplished a really good workout – in only 14 minutes!! It actually took me 13 min and 51 sec to complete.  || Read more

posted by on 2 Day Intensive Green Cleanse

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The strategy for both of the Green Cleanses is to provide an optimal environment for the detoxification systems in the body to do their job. These systems include the lungs, the kidneys, the liver, the digestive and lymphatic systems and also your skin. || Read more

posted by on Diet & Lifestyle


Studies have shown that you are twice as likely to achieve your weight loss goals if you keep a food journal . I recently tried an experiment of keeping one and writing down everything I ate  and I can conclude that yes, it does make a big difference in what you consume when you actively write down everything you eat. || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

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This recipe provides a delicious chocolatey way to have a high protein snack that’s also abundantly nutritious. Perfect on a hot sunny day!! || Read more