Archive for September 2012 | Monthly archive page

Posh Workout 8 min


posted by on Blog, Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This workout is a designed with clean lines and elegant styling. ; ) It is made up of 2 parts, both are 4 minutes of interval training and both have 2 exercises which you alternate doing for each round. I used my sandbag for one of the exercises in each round, if you don’t have a sandbag you can use a dumbbell, kettle bell, medicine ball or another weighted object instead.

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posted by on Intensive Training Workouts - over 15 minutes

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Doing different reps of exercises in interesting combinations make a workout go by fast. Your mind is kept so busy thinking of what to do next and you can easily lose track of time so that before you know it, you are done. This workout took me almost 22 minutes to complete. It is made up of 2 parts. The burpee part – 4 reps of each of 3 different types of burpees –  is done 3 times: before, in between, and after the interval parts. Lots of core and ab exercises in this one!  || Read more

posted by on Cooked Recipes


Even though I am usually all about raw food, I had a strong desire to make a cooked, kick-ass delicious, high protein, super nutritious, all natural, vegan burger. I think I had read so many places that people had tried and had a hard time doing it or finding a good recipe for one and I have been determined to do it. Well, mission accomplished and I feel really happy with this one. I love them! || Read more

posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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I’ll admit it – For an 8 to 9 minute workout, this is brutal. It’s made up of 2 parts. The first is just over 5 minutes of interval training. The second is a fun but killer combo that you repeat until you drop or the 3 minutes is up, whichever comes first. I got 4 rounds and was really feeling it at the end.  || Read more

Dry Skin Brushing


posted by on Natural Healthy Therapies

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Dry Skin Brushing is one of the most effective detox therapies. It’s easy, quick and doesn’t cost anything after the initial small investment of a skin brush. Get one with natural bristles; they are usually not expensive and easy to find, available in most health food and department stores.  Skin brushing helps strengthen the immune system and to balance many systems in the body. It’s one of the best healthy habits to get into!  || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This workout is a time challenge and is made up of reps of 7 different exercises sandwiched between a set of burpees before and after. I really loved the flow but found a couple exercises challenging as I haven’t done them in awhile – the reptile push ups and especially the one leg burpees. I will be working on those for sure!!  || Read more

posted by on Raw Recipes

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Strawberry Pecan Salad is a salad that it seems everyone loves! It’s elegant yet fun, delicious, sweet and I love this Poppyseed Dressing to go with it.  It is a little different from the traditional white creamy sweet one you often see with it. This one is sweet but also a savory flavor to it, that I think enhances and enlivens the strawberries, pecans and baby spinach leaves. Try it and see if you agree. I love this combo! ..& I think you will too!!  || Read more