Archive for September 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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I am on a pull up kick this week and this pull up workout is great when you are having an urge to practice your pull ups. It is made up of 5 reps of pull ups interspersed with 20 reps of different bodyweight exercises. I can only do a few pull ups at a time now, and the recovery of doing other exercises gives just enough of a break to be able to do them again. Even so, my pull ups were steadily going downhill throughout the workout, especially after the push ups! ..and I am feeling it today, in a good way, especially in the lats. I love building those, gives a great shape to the body! ; )

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Broccoli Salad


posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes


This delicious colorful salad was one I ate a lot of when I first went raw. This salad keeps well for days in the refrigerator and so I would make large batches of it. It is still one of my favorites that I make often. I like it best when the ingredients are chopped quite small so they really soak up the dressing. It’s quite easy to make and I took lots of pictures to show you exactly how I make it.  || Read more

Nifty Workout 8 min


posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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This quick little nifty workout is made up of 7 exercises and takes only 8 minutes to complete. Great to get your system revved up and your metabolism boosted. Sometimes on a busy day one short workout is all you need to get your fitness in. It’s the initial parts of the workout that are most effective and so even though this is a short workout, if you put a lot into it you can get a lot out of it!  || Read more

posted by on Art, Home & Mom

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This is one of my favorite roads to drive on. It’s the Coverdale Road from our place following the Fundy Bay coast to Riverside Albert, where my brother used to run his Inn. We decided to take a drive down to the Albert County Country fair and see horses, cows, rides, games and the agricultural country event. But I’m posting mainly pictures of the drive.. because I love it. It’s a sentimental thing. The road is twisty and curvy so you often don’t see what’s around the corner in front of you. Great drive for a sportscar.. as long as no one  else is around. It’s only 2 lanes.  So come with us on a Sunday drive!  || Read more

posted by on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

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The metabolism booster workouts are a series of workouts, each one under 10 minutes, that are fast paced and designed as a short burst of energy to get your metabolism revved up and burning away those unwanted stored fat cells in the body. || Read more

posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

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Kale is the nutritional superstar of the vegetable world, claiming more nutrients than any other. So we all want to eat more of it for great health. But with such tough leaves many of us avoid it and opt or greens with softer leaves.  Well, here is a recipe to help you handle those dark green leaves. This recipe shows you how to marinate the leaves with lemon and salt which will break down the tough fibers of its leaves making it easier, and making it more delicious to eat. || Read more

posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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We’re working on pull ups today. The pull up bar is out!! It’s been awhile since I have done any pull ups and so this one is a tough one for me. But I am on it! Pull ups are great for upper body strength and for developing your lats, the upper-side back muscles that give you a great shape! Also it gives you a sense of power to be able to lift yourself up, and it’s a great survival skill if you ever find yourself dangling off a building or cliff.  || Read more