Archive for July 2012 | Monthly archive page

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Alternating Toe Touch – Lying on mat with legs flat on ground and arms outstretched overhead near ground, lift one leg and arms and touch toe with the opposite side hand (left foot with right hand, right foot with left hand) and then return arms and leg back down to ground and repeat lifting the opposite leg and alternate legs for each rep. || Read more

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3 Point Ab Choppers with Medicine ball – Lying with back flat on ground, with knees bent and feet on ground and with arms outstretched behind head and hands holding onto medicine ball, sit up and bring ball high overhead and down to the right side to ground, keeping arms outstretched throughout movement. Then reverse movement bringing torso back to ground and ball back overhead. This is one rep. On the next rep bring ball down between legs towards ground and for the third rep bring down ball to the left side, continue alternating bringing ball down to these 3 points. || Read more



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Plank From push up position, come down onto forearms and hold body up in a straight line only supported by your feet and forearms. Pull in tummy to best work abs. Hold this position for required time.

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Ab Pulses with Medicine ball – Sitting on mat with legs and knees slightly bent, hold a medicine ball in hands outstretched held up high toward ceiling, lean back, keeping ball raised to ceiling and then sit up raising ball higher and pulse at halfway to almost sitting up position

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Heel to Heel Touch


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Heel to Heel Touch – Lying with back on mat and legs bent and feet on ground shoulder width apart, crunch up and to right side reaching out right arm to touch the side of right foot, go back to start position and repeat movements on left side. Continue alternating sides each rep.  Each foot touch is one rep. || Read more

3 Point Plank Jumps


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3 Point Plank Jumps

3 Point Plank Jumps – From high plank position, jump legs in towards body and then jump them out to the side. Jump legs back in and then jump legs out to the opposite side and back in and then straight back to plank starting position. This is one rep.
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Around the World Squats with Sandbag – Start with legs shoulder width apart and sandbag held behind at upper back. Squat and then swing one arm overhead bringing sandbag around to front and then the other arm over to bring it back into starting position, so that the sandbag has just gone 360 degrees around your head. This is one rep. Change directions for each rep, going back and forth from clockwise to counter clockwise. || Read more