Archive for July 2012 | Monthly archive page

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2 Dip Side Burpees, without Push up – Squat down and put hands together on ground in diamond position a little off to one side, then jump both legs out sideways in the other direction, go into side plank and put top hand behind head and then do 2 dips, bringing hips down towards ground and back up twice, bring hand back down to ground and jump your legs back in and jump up. This is one rep. For the next rep jump out to the other side and do dips on opposite side. Alternate sides for each rep.  || Read more

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Plank Walk Down – Start in plank position and one arm at a time extend so arm is straight and you are in high plank (push up) position, go back onto elbows one arm at a time and repeat changing start arm each time.  || Read more

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Side to Side Sandbag Deadlift with Upright Row – Start standing with feet shoulder width apart and with sandbag on ground just on the outside of one of your feet. Reach down, hinging at the waist and keeping your back straight, lift up sandbag and bring it to the front of you at waist level and then continue the movements doing an upright row, bringing sandbag up to collarbone area. Then reverse the movements but bring sandbag down to the opposite side so it ends up beside the opposite foot. For the next rep repeat the movements doing a diagonal deadlift and then upright row and bring sandbag back to its starting position, on ground beside foot. Continue reps in this manner bringing sandbag from one side to the other for each rep.  || Read more

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360 Degree Sandbag Lunges – From standing, roll sandbag up and over backs of hands with the 2 lateral handles and hold sandbag in close to chest during all movements. First take a step forward with one leg and do a forward lunge, bending your front knee and going down until thigh is parallel with floor, come back to standing and then take a step with the same leg out to the side do a side lunge, step back in and next step backwards and do a backwards lunge, bending front leg bringing thigh parallel to ground and then step back in. Now follow the movements with the other leg starting with a backwards lunge then doing a side lunge and then a front lunge. Continue doing 3 lunges on each leg and doing lunges in a circle pattern around you for set number of reps or for time.  || Read more

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Walking Plank Burpees – From standing squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position and then walk hands and feet over about 4 big steps to the side, jump legs in and jump up in the air. This is one rep. For the next rep walk in plank position back to your starting spot and continue with each rep walking from one side to the other.   || Read more

Weighted Squats


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Weighted Squat – Start at standing position with legs shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell or other weight, with both hands vertically in front of you at navel area. Then squat down holding onto your dumbbell or weight at chest to navel area and holding it out a bit to give you balance as you squat down. Come back up and continue doing squats holding onto dumbbell in this position.  || Read more

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Weighted Hip Circle Ugi Bridge exercise – Start lying on the ground with knees bend and with feet raised up on Ugi, which is in close to body, and hold a dumbbell in front of you at navel area.Lift hips up into bridge position and take dumbbell in one hand and bring it under the body switching hands and bringing it back to navel area as you lower hips back to ground. For the next rep switch hands and bring dumbbell around your hips in the other direction while your hips are raised in bridge. Lower coming back to start position and continue these movements alternating sides for each rep.  || Read more