Archive for July 2012 | Monthly archive page

posted by on Blog, Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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Time Travel Workout
This workout is 12 minutes long || Read more

posted by on Blog, Recipes - Drinks

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Green smoothie recipe

This green smoothie is a staple in my diet and I often have a variation of this recipe 2 times each day.   || Read more

posted by on Travel and the World

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photo credit: <a href=””>…-Wink-…</a> via <a href=””>photo pin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>

posted by on Blog, Quotes and Inspiration

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. || Read more

Spring Roll Recipe


posted by on Blog, Raw Recipes

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Spring Rolls

These spring rolls are filled with vegetables and some of my favorite herbs: basil, cilantro and mint and flavored with ginger and sesame. They are delicious. Let me show you how to roll your own! || Read more

Twist Knee Tucks


posted by on Exercises

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Twist Knee Tucks – Starting in high plank position, bring one knee in to opposite elbow and twist body bringing hip on side of tucked knee down towards ground and return, repeat with other knee twisting body to other side with the knee tuck and continue these movements alternating sides for each rep.  || Read more