Archive for July 2012 | Monthly archive page

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Knee Raise Burpees – Standing behind dip station, squat and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position and do a push up, then jump legs back in and step or reach forward grasping handles of dip station and do a knee raise, straightening arms to lift yourself up off the floor, bending legs and bringing knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs down to floor and step back behind dip station.   || Read more

3 Pulse Jump Squats


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3 Pulse Jump Squat – Start with legs in a wide stance and with feet pointing out, squat down so legs are parallel with ground, squeeze the glutes and pulse 3 times, just raising and lowering a little for each pulse and then come up jumping in the air and back with legs and feet in same position to start next rep.  || Read more

Jump Lunges


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Jump Lunges – Start in a forward lunge position, a low wide walking stance with front leg bent and the back leg also bent with knee down close to the floor, then come up and jump  switching feet and leg positions so that legs are in the opposite positions, the one that was behind is forward and bent, and the one that was forward is now behind. Continue jumping and alternating positions of legs and feet. Each jump is one rep.  || Read more

Pull Ups


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Pull ups – Stand just in front of pull up bar and reach up grip onto bar with palms away from you and use mainly your lats and rhomboid muscles to pull yourself up so that chin is above bar, then lower yourself back down.   || Read more

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Rotating Wide Squats with Sandbag Clean – Start standing and holding onto sandbag at chest level by lateral handles with sandbag flipped over onto the backs of your hands. Take a wide step to the right and come down into a squat while doing a sandbag clean, flipping sandbag over your knuckles and bringing it to the ground. Come up out of the squat and bring up sandbag back up, flipping it over your knuckles to the back of your hand and holding in close to chest. Now keeping your right foot on the ground lift left foot and pivot body around 180 degrees so you are facing in the opposite direction and bring left foot down into a wide stance, squat and do another sandbag clean. For the next rep keep left foot on the ground and pivot body 180 degrees bringing right foot around and down into a wide stance facing the side you started facing and do a squat and sandbag clean. Then do one more rotating squat turning 180 degrees, doing a squat and clean. This was 4 reps, for the next 4 reps reverse your movements and work your way back in the same manner until you reach the start position. Continue doing squats and sandbag cleans like this until time or reps are up.  || Read more

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Sandbag Cyclone Swing Reverse Lunge – Start standing holding sandbag by the lateral handles over your shoulders so it is positioned at top of upper back. Bring sandbag around your head and across the front of your body coming down in a diagonal line to the other side towards the ground and beside your outer foot simultaneously as you lunge back with the opposite side leg. Reverse the movements coming back out of lunge and bringing sandbag back to upper back position. For the next rep swing the sandbag in the same manner but in the opposite direction as you lunge back with the other leg, and again reverse movements coming back to your start position. So, when you swing the sandbag around the right side of your head and over to the left side, you lunge back with the right leg, and when you swing the sandbag around the left side of your head and over to the right side, you lunge back with the left leg.  || Read more

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Lateral Side Lunges with Sandbag Press – From standing position holding sandbag by its lateral handles close to chest, step your right foot further out to the right side and do a side lunge, the right (outer) leg is bent and your left leg stays straight, then step back to center. As you come into center press up the sandbag towards the ceiling. Then bring the sandbag back down to chest and step in opposite direction and do a lunge with the other leg, and return doing another sandbag press as you come back to your start position. Continue with these movements alternating sides for each rep. || Read more