Archive for July 2012 | Monthly archive page

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Ugi Russian Twist and Toe Touch – Start in seated position with knees slightly bent and feet off floor, hold Ugi at right hip, twist body and bring Ugi to left hip, and then lie back with legs straight on ground and touch Ugi to the ground behind head, then sit up and bring Ugi overhead and forward to touch toes. This is one rep. For the next rep repeat these movements but start with Ugi at the opposite side for the Russian twist and alternate starting sides for each rep.  || Read more

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Woodchop and Get Up Jump with Ugi – Standing at the end of a mat with Ugi on the ground just to the outside of one foot, do an upward woodchop motion, bringing Ugi diagonally across body and reaching it up high towards the ceiling on the other side and then bring it down to navel area, and lie down on mat. Touch Ugi to ground above your head and then get up and as you come up onto your feet, jump up lifting Ugi high overhead. This is one rep. For the next rep place Ugi on the ground on the outer side of your foot on the opposite side from where it started and continue doing these movements from this side. Alternate sides doing the woodchop for each rep.  || Read more

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Tricep Leg Raises – Lay face down on mat or ground with legs hip width apart and hands on ground at shoulder level close to body, lift body up a few inches off ground, keeping low, and using mainly triceps to lift with. While holding this position, alternate lifting legs up off ground as high as you can. Each leg lift is one rep.   || Read more

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One Arm Lift – Lie flat on ground with legs apart, put one hand on ground close to shoulder area and place the other on your butt. Press with arm of the hand on ground to lift upper body and then hips high up. Reverse movement to come back down to start position. Alternate arm positions for each rep.   || Read more

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Speed Skater Squats – From standing with feet shoulder width apart, squat down and then come up halfway and raise one leg, keeping it straight, out to the side, then bring leg back to start position. Do another squat followed with the opposite leg lift to the other side. Continue alternating side that do the leg lift for each rep, keeping low throughout all movements.  || Read more

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Alternating Reach Up and Toe Touch Sit Ups

Alternating Reach Up and Toe Touch Sit Ups – Lie on ground with legs straight and wide apart and sit up while raising one hand up towards the ceiling and then reach over with that hand and touch your toes of the opposite side foot, or as close as you can reach towards them. Then lay back down bringing hands back to ground by or above your head and repeat on the other side, sit up and reach your other arm up and then reach over and touch the opposite side toe with fingers and release coming back to start position. Continue with these sit ups alternating reaching up and touching toes, on different sides for each rep.  || Read more

Manmakers exercise


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Manmakers – Squat and place hands on dumbbells, jump legs back, do a push up and then a row with one arm, then a row with the other arm, jump legs in and do a dumbbell press, lifting dumbbells overhead, with both dumbbells at same time. Return dumbbells to ground. This is one rep.  || Read more