Archive for July 2012 | Monthly archive page

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Alternating Runners Lunge to Warrior 3 – From a high plank position being in one leg and place foot close to or between hands on ground. This is your start position. Place your weight and balance on this forward leg and use it to lift yourself up into a Warrior 3 yoga position, in which your torso and outstretched hands and other leg are all as straight as possible and parallel with the ground. Hold for a second and then come back down to your start position. Jump legs up and switch in the air so that you land with the other leg between hands and come up to Warrior 3 position on this leg as before. Continue with these movements alternating legs for each rep.  || Read more

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3 Pulse Squat to Warrior 3 – Standing with legs shoulder width apart, go down into a squat position with thighs parallel to the ground and from this position give 3 small pulses, pulsing body up and down holding the squat position for 3 reps. Then place your weight in one leg and come up to standing on that leg and go into Warrior 3 position, in which your torso and outstretched hands and other leg are all as straight as possible and parallel with the ground. Hold for a second and then bring your leg back to the ground and come back to a squat position. Continue with these movements alternating legs in each rep for the Warrior 3 pose. || Read more

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Sandbag T Pull Push ups – Place sandbag on ground and then get into high plank (push up position) just to the right side of sandbag so that sandbag is at chest level on ground below you just to your left. Do a push up and then with the right hand reach under to the end handle on sandbag and pull it underneath you to the right side. Next lift your right hand up towards the ceiling so that arm is straight above you then lower it back down and come back to plank. This is one rep. Repeat movements on the other side, and continue alternating sides for each rep.   || Read more

Sandbag Swings


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Sandbag Swing – Standing with legs shoulder width apart, hold onto middle handle of sandbag with both hands. Hold it low, at or just between legs, and swing up so that arms are parallel to ground at shoulder height. Squeeze glutes and push with hips as you swing the bag forward and up, let your hips do most of the work. Then let the bag come back down to just between legs and repeat. Each swing up is one rep.  || Read more

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Good Morning Sandbag Squats – Stand with legs hop width apart and reach over to pick up sandbag from ground in front of you. Lift up and flip over onto the backs of hands and hold sandbag close to chest. Then bend over at waist 90 degrees, keeping legs straight and back straight, so that back is parallel with floor and come back up to standing, then squat down continuing to hold sandbag close to chest and come up. This is one rep.  || Read more

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Ugi Cross Core Abs – Lying on ground with knees bent hold Ugi on ground with arms outstretched behind head, sit up and bring Ugi up overhead and down to touch the ground between legs, then bring Ugi to one side of the body touching ground by hip and then bring Ugi over to the other side, touching the ground with Ugi on the other side by hip. Then return to start position touching Ugi down to the ground behind your head. This is one rep.  || Read more

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One Leg Ball Touch Down and Press exercise – Start at standing holding medicine ball in front of you at navel area and lift one leg balancing on the other. Bring body forward and touch medicine ball to ground balancing on the one leg. Then straighten body and lift medicine ball up high towards ceiling and then back to navel area. This is one rep. Continue these movements doing as many reps as you can during interval period. For the next round alternate legs.  || Read more