10 Minute Classic Bodyweight Workout – Start HIIT Training Here

This bodyweight workout is a great place to start your HIIT training. It has 12 bodyweight exercises carefully chosen to represent the core bodyweight exercises that form the basis of most HIIT workouts, and all bodyweight workouts for that matter. These are the classics. They are considered classics and have stood the test of time because they work. In the workout video below, for each exercise I show a short clip of how you can modify the exercise to make it easier.
To see the full modification explained, go to this post where they are all explained in short 1 to 2 minute videos together – 12 Modified Exercises
This workout is a great place to start, as you can see and experience a broad array of bodyweight exercises commonly done in HIIT workouts. These are the exercises that most other exercises are derived from.
Just because it is 10 minutes, don’t think it is easy! That is why I gave modifications to make these exercises easier, for any that you find hard to do. These basic exercises are tough. Keep in mind that all of the different variations of them in various other workouts, does not mean they are harder. Sometimes they are, sometimes not. All of the exercise variations in different workouts are there mainly to change the workouts up. I do this so that we don’t get bored and to keep our muscles confused, which helps us to get stronger quicker. Practice doing these workouts consistently and you will see an improvement in strength quickly!
Keep a Fitness Journal
Keep a fitness journal. Write each workout you do and keep track of your reps and times in it. This is great motivation to see how quickly you improve and it really helps to keep you on track and accountable.
An interval timer is the most important piece of equipment for HIIT workouts. Read more about the Gymboss timer and get links to online timers here.
10 Minute Classic Bodyweight Workout
Workout Breakdown
10 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through the following sequence:
Jump Lunges
Jump Squats
Side Lunge Jumps
High Knees Skipping
Push Ups
Crab Toe Touch
Prisoner Get Ups
Sit Ups
Pull Ups
Try the 20 Minute Advanced Bodyweight Workout
For those of you hardcore fitness enthusiasts – Do a 20 minute workout. Double the rounds and go through the exercises twice.
Thats what I did and I am really feeling it today, esp glutes and lats! It’s always amazing to experience how much of a workout you can get in in 20 minutes, or less!
Bodyweight Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Start in a forward lunge position, a low wide walking stance with front leg bent and back leg straight, and simultaneously jump up switching feet so that legs are in opposite positions, the one that was behind is forward and bent, and the one that was forward is now behind. Continue jumping and alternating positions of legs and feet. Each jump is one rep.
Stand with legs shoulder width apart and squat down so that thighs are parallel with ground and then push yourself up with legs and jump up, come back down into a squat and repeat jumping between each squat. Keep weight on the heel of your feet going into the squat but push off with ball of feet to jump up. Make sure that your knees never go out beyond your toes.
From standing position place left leg out to side keeping it straight and bend right knee going down into a side lunge, touch ground with left fingers. From this position jump and switch doing a side lunge on the other side, so that right leg is straight and knee of left leg is bent and touch ground with fingers of right hand. Continue jumping and each time doing a side lunge on the opposite side. Each lunge and touch down is one rep.
High knee skipping is like jogging in place skipping but you bring each knee up as high as you can as each leg comes up.
Get into high plank position with hands on floor, arms straight, and lower your upper torso down to the ground and then push yourself back up to start position.
From push up position, come down onto forearms and hold body up in a straight line only supported by your feet and forearms. Pulling in your ab muscles helps to work them. Hold this position for required time.
Start in crab position, with hands and feet on floor, knees bent and facing up. Lift one hand and opposite side leg up high and touch fingers to toe, bring back to start position and repeat on other side, lifting and touching opposite hand and toe together, Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Lay on mat with knees bent and feet on ground. Place hands behind head, then sit up and bend one leg under you and put other foot on ground, using the strength of that leg lift yourself up keeping your hands behind your head throughout the whole movement. To modify, do not put hands behind head but use them to help you get up for support.
Sit on mat with knees bent and feet on the floor and then lay back with shoulders on floor. This is your start position. Keeping legs in the same position throughout all movements, lift up torso using abs and upper body and come up to sitting position and touch ground near feet. Then lower upper body back down to ground and continue these movements sitting and lowering back upper body.
Sit on edge of a chair or bench and place hands on edge of chair or bench close to hips, move your body forward so it is just off the chair and with legs bent or outstretched lower yourself down to floor, then push yourself back up to start position. The further out your legs are extended the harder it is.
Stand just in front of pull up bar and reach up grip onto bar with palms away from you and use mainly your lats and rhomboid muscles to pull yourself up so that chin is above bar, then lower yourself back down.
Have a great workout!