10 Keys to Superhero Brain Health, Dr Daniel Amen and Fruit MRI’s

Our brains are one of the most fascinating organs in our body! We can improve the health of our brains regardless of our age with healthy eating, exercise and our lifestyle choices. Our brain has an amazing quality to it – its neuroplasticicy, which allows the nerve cells in the brain to change their connections. The brain neurons will change and find new connections to adapt and function after an injury or disease. There are several ways to strengthen and keep your brain healthy. Here is a list for the top 10 keys to a superhero brain!
These strategies are taken from clinical neuroscientist, board certified psychiatrist, and brain imaging expert Dr. Daniel Amen. Dr Amen is the medical director of the Amen Clinics and a New York Times bestselling author for his book Use Your Brain to Change Your Age.
10 Keys to a Super Hero Brain
..interspersed with cool MRI images of fruit, below is a watermelon.
1. Eat a wholesome healthy diet filled with fiber rich fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. More info on the best foods for brain health below!
Pumpkin MRI:
2. Exercise. Regular exercise is one of the most important things you can do to keep your brain healthy. Moving your body encourages growth of new brain cells; it helps the brain to make new connections and enhances cognitive ability. Get up and get active to boost your brain power!
Grapes MRI:
3. Get rid of the ANTs: Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are the ingrained faulty, unhealthy and unsupportive belief systems you have programmed in your mind. Think of your brain as the super computer and the beliefs are the programs you have running. If you believe that you can sing, or that you don’t remember names, that you are too old or not smart enough, and on and on.. then your brain is going to go with the program and act accordingly so that you don’t sing well or remember names and so on.
Pomegranate MRI:
4. Eat specific foods with brain nutrients, such as food with high essential fatty acids, ginko biloba, turmeric, berries, leafy greens and chocolate!
Artichoke MRI:
5. Calorie Restriction. Eat less. “
Eggplant MRI:
6. Surround yourself with positive people. This goes along with the theory that you are the accumulation of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Hang around with smart people that inspire you and you will pick up ideas and information from them that will make you smarter also.
Apple MRI:
7. Clean environment. Being in a clean environment, having a clean desk and getting rid of clutter around you will not only feel better but will help to de-clutter your mind as well and help you to think better and clearer. It’s like the “as it is above, so below” thought, but it’s “as it is outside, so inside’.
Tomato MRI:
8. Rest. We are living in an age of information overload and we are often always on the go between family, work and projects. make sure to take enough time to rest. have naps, allow yourself to go to bed early or sleep in, whichever works with your lifestyle. This is the time that the brain is processing, integrating and organizing all of the information from the day. Give it time to catch up.
Pineapple MRI:
9. Learn new things. One of the best ways to strengthen your brain is to challenge it with new ideas.
Melon MRI:
10. Stress management. Stress shuts down the brain and will make you feel confused, as well as anxious and fearful. When you are under stress the bean will not work effectively, you will not learn well and things don’t flow to you easily. Some ways to relieve stress are: practice meditation, get out into nature and take quiet time to slow down.
Durian MRI:
Best Foods for Brain Health
Dr. Amen suggests to incorporate high fiber fruits like blueberries, apples, oranges, cherries, kiwi, strawberries and raspberries. Also, when it comes to fiber, consider adding coconut to your diet.
Include good fats, essential omega 3 fatty acids are great for the brain. They are plentiful in walnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, chia and flax seeds and avocados.
For an extra brain boost, Spice it up!! Spices are great for your health: cinnamon balances blood sugar; turmeric is anti-inflammatory; garlic, oregano and rosemary increase the blood flow to the brain; curry is an anti-inflammatory and saffron has anti-depressant effects.
Eat colorful foods that are rich in antioxidants!
To your optimal health!
Photo credit to fishki.net