Tropical Sunshine Quinoa Cereal Recipe


posted by on Cooked Recipes


This quinoa cereal recipe makes a great breakfast and is a delicious high protein comfort food. The quinoa is cooked in cinnamon, vanilla and orange juice to infuse the quinoa with a sweet rich and delicious flavor. The mango and goji berries are mixed in after the quinoa is cooked, to keep their vital nutrients and enzymes intact. The warm quinoa softens the goji berries and gives this filling, but not heavy, dish a great texture, a wonderful tropical flavor and loads of nutrition.


Tropical Sunshine Quinoa Cereal Recipe


Tropical Sunshine Quinoa Cereal Recipe


½ cup Quinoa
1 cup Orange juice
¼ cup Mango
¼ cup Pineapple
½ Banana
2 Tbsp Goji berries
½ Vanilla bean, or ½ tsp Vanilla extract
½ tsp Cinnamon


Cook quinoa in orange juice, cinnamon and vanilla.  When finished cooking and cooled add fruit. Stir and serve.


Photo Description

Assemble ingredients

Tropical Sunshine Quinoa Cereal Recipe - ingredients

Cook quinoa in orange juice with cinnamon and vanilla.

Tropical Sunshine Quinoa Cereal Recipe - quinoa cooking w oj cinnamon and vanilla

Transfer to bowl and add mango, pineapple, banana and goji berries. ✿ fb/ Robins Key

Mix to combine.

Tropical Sunshine Quinoa Cereal Recipe - ingredients mixed in bowl

.and it’s ready to serve. Will keep well a few days int he fridge sealed in an air tight container. If there is any left that is. It’s delicious!



With love, Robin



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