The Full Ugi Workout 15 mim

The Full Ugi is a 15 minute interval workout with 9 exercises all using the Ugi ball. There are some new Ugi exercises, which is always fun and this workout is really focused on abs and core as well as butt and legs, which it really hit more than I realized as I am really feeling it there today! The Ugi makes workouts fun. They are tough but at the same time they have a play quality to them so you tend to forget (sometimes) how tough the exercises are when you are doing them and just get into the challenge. Ugi is great for working on balance and for working your stabilizing assisting muscles, as well as the main muscles, so you really build core strength with it. So let’s get to the Full Ugi!
The Full Ugi Workout
Workout Breakdown
Set your timer for 18 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through the following exercises 2 times:
- Ugi Swing
- Side Lunge Jumps with Ugi
- Ugi Catepillar
- Round the Ugi
- Toss and Catch Ugi
- 3 Point Plank Jumps with Ugi Raise
- Ugi V Ups
- Alternating Reverse Lunges with Ugi Shoulder Lift
- Ugi Push Ups to Jump Squats
Check out the Resource page to get Ugi.
If you do not have an Ugi, here are some suggestions to modify:
For Ugi Swing – use a sandbag or dumbbells or other weighted object;
Side Lunge Jumps – hold another weighted object or do with just bodyweight;
Ugi Catepillar Abs – do Double Crunches;
Round the Ugi – use another type of ball or do mountain climbers;
Toss and Catch Ugi – use another ball;
3 Point Plank Jumps with Ugi Raise – use another weight or jump up after the 3 point plank jumps;
Ugi V Ups – do bodyweight V ups;
Alternating Reverse Lunges with Ugi Shoulder Lift – use a dumbbell or other weight or just do reverse lunges and leave out the shoulder lift;
Ugi Push Ups to Jump Squats – use any other raised object (ball, box etc.) to do raised push ups from and to jump over.
Workout on Video
My Reps
Ugi Swings – 21, 20
Side Lunge Jumps with Ugi – 30, 30
Ugi Catepillar Abs – 22, 21
Round the Ugi – 29, 25
Toss and Catch Ugi – 26, 24
3 Point Plank Jumps with Ugi Raise – 6, 6
Ugi V Ups – 16, 15
Alternating Reverse Lunges with Ugi Shoulder Lift – 16, 17
Ugi Push Ups to Jump Squats – 5.5, 6
Exercise Descriptions
Stand with legs wide and holding Ugi in front of you, swing Ugi from between legs up to shoulder level and then back down between legs, thrust hips with each upward swing and continue in this manner swinging Ugi up and back down.
Hold Ugi in front of you and place left leg out to the side keeping it straight and bend your right knee going down into a side lunge. From this position jump and switch to do a side lunge on the other side, so that right leg is straight and knee of left leg is bent and touch ground with fingers of right hand. Hold Ugi in front of you throughout all movements and continue jumping and each time doing a side lunge on the opposite side.
Sit on Ugi and balance with legs raised and hands just touching ground behind you, then crunch knees in towards chest and then bring them back out and continue alternating bringing legs in and out. Focus on tightening abs during movements.
Place hands on Ugi and come down to the right side of, and bring right hip, to Ugi, Next move behind the ball and bring your left hip to the left side of Ugi and then move back around Ugi and bring your right hip to the right side of Ugi again, staying low throughout all movements. Continue alternating going from side to side of Ugi.
In seated position with legs outstretched but relaxed, knees slightly bend, lean back a bit and throw up Ugi and catch it while balancing and holding core tight.
3 Point Plank Jumps with Ugi Raise
From standing place Ugi on ground in front of your feet, place hands down on Ugi and jump back into high plank, jump feet in and then out to one side, jump them back in and then out to the other side and back in again. After jumping out and in to center, left and right points, stand and lift Ugi up overhead and back to floor. This is one rep.
Lie down with Ugi held overhead and legs extended, raise ball and straight legs into V position, and then return to start position.
Alternating Reverse Lunges with Ugi Shoulder Lift
tart at standing holding Ugi just above left shoulder, lunge back with left leg and simultaneously lift Ugi up high overhead, then as you bring in left leg to standing bring Ugi down to the right shoulder. Repeat on the opposite side, lifting Ugi up from the right shoulder while lunging back right leg, and then when you come back to standing also bring Ugi back to left shoulder where it started. Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Start with Ugi on ground just in front of you and from standing position bend over and place hands on Ugi and then jump back into plank position and do a push up. Then jump legs in and jump forward to just in front of Ugi and come down into a squat with behind coming down close to Ugi, do another jump squat and then jump back just behind Ugi. This is one rep.
Have a great workout!