Blended Salad Soup Recipe – A New Way to Enjoy your Greens


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This Blended Salad Soup Recipe is new way to change up how you get your greens and it is surprisingly refreshing and delicious way to do it.  I will admit that I was turned off at first with the idea of blending my salad, but only until I tried it. What a surprise! So I know and agree, that a salad soup may sound really strange, but give it a try and you may be surprised also to find that this super easy way to get greens actually tastes fantastic! 


A blended salad soup is quite easy to make. You just put everything into a blender that you would chop up into your salad bowl, and blend. How easy! You barely even have to chop things up, just enough to put it in and the blender does all the work. You can change herbs and seasonings but I like it quite simple and I will show you exactly how I like mine. But don’t be afraid to change the ingredients and put more of what you like in and take out anything you don’t. Get creative with it. This recipe is very forgiving and adaptable.

This way of eating your vegetables is very healing and also very easy on the digestive tract. The fiber of kale and other greens can be very hard to digest if you have any digestive health conditions. Blending breaks the cell walls down, releasing the nutrition and chlorophyll for your body to make use of while still providing fiber, which is also great for digestion.  For anyone trying to stay away from sugar, this is a great alternative to the green smoothie.  It’s another great way to get those greens, but savory rather than sweet. And even for us green smoothie lovers, it’s a new way to change it up that also tastes great.


Blended Salad Soup Recipe in bowl


Blended Salad Soup Recipe


2 cups of Greens: Romaine, Spinach, Kale, Sprouts or other
1 Tomato
½ Cucumber
½ Red or Yellow Pepper
1 Celery stalk
1 Green Onion
½ Avocado
2 Tbsp Olive oil
1 Tbsp Lemon juice, or Apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp Tamari
1 small Garlic clove
Salt and Cayenne to taste
1 c Water


Place all ingredients in a blender and blend. I usually all of the ingredients except the greens in first, and put the more watery vegetables, like the tomato, at the bottom, so that it blends easily. As soon as everything is roughly chopped up, add the greens and blend until smooth.

I like to drink it in a glass, but you can serve it in a bowl as well.

For most nutrition consume this as soon as possible after blending. If you want to have it later in the day, store in a glass bottle or jar, like a mason jar. Fill up close to the top and seal so that there is little air. This will keep most of the nutrients intact until you are ready to consume.


How to make the Blended Salad Soup Recipe on Video


 Photo Description

Assemble ingredients

Blended Salad Soup Recipe ingredients

Put all of the ingredients in blender, except greens, and blend.

Blended Salad Soup Recipe ingredients in blender

Then add the greens, and blend again.

Blended Salad Soup Recipe ingredients with kale in blender

It looks a lot nicer just looking down from the top. Mmm, greens.. I think I am addicted.

Blended Salad Soup Recipe ingredients and greens in blender

Blend until smooth.

Blended Salad Soup Recipe ingredients blended

Pour into bowls and serve.

Blended Salad Soup Recipe in bowl

Think gazpacho in flavor – light, clean, refreshing.  I like to drink mine in a glass. I’m very into quick and easy! 😉

Blended Salad Soup Recipe in a glass


Drink green and get your natural glow on!


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